ابتاميل حليب أطفال ايه ار 400 جم لقد تم تصميم أبتاميل اي آر للرضع خصيصاً للتقليل أو للتخفيف من حالات الإرجاع من المعدة التي يتعرض لها الأطفال الذين يتم ارضاعهم بزجاجة الإرضاع والذين يتعرضون لتقيؤ الطعام. أبتاميل أي آر لحالات الإرجاع عند الرضع يحتوي...
- 68.05
- 68.05
- Unit price
- per
ابتاميل حليب إل إف خالي من اللاكتوز 400 جم ابتاميل حليب إل إف خالي من اللاكتوز 400 جم: يعتبر أبتاميل الخالي من اللاكتوز تركيبة مناسبة للرضع الذين لا تتحمل أجسامهم اللاكتوز أو يعانون من الإسهال. أبتاميل ل ف هو خالي من اللاكتوز, السكر المسؤول...
- 64.00
0.00- 64.00
- Unit price
- per
PediaSure is a clinically tested, nutritionally balanced whole food formula that has been shown to promote normal growth in children with one of the following conditions : • selective child in choosing his food . • A child who needs additional nutrition to continue...
- 46.00
- 46.00
- Unit price
- per
PediaSure is a delicious drink for picky eaters. It contains a balanced combination of 26 vitamins and minerals and contains protein, vitamin D, calcium, and all the important nutrients that every child needs to grow and thrive. Available in three flavors - vanilla, chocolate...
- 46.00
- 46.00
- Unit price
- per
PediaSure is a clinically tested, nutritionally balanced whole food formula that has been shown to promote normal growth in children with one of the following conditions : • The selective child in choosing his food. • A child who needs additional nutrition to continue...
- 97.75
- 97.75
- Unit price
- per
PediaSure is a clinically tested, nutritionally balanced whole food formula that has been shown to promote normal growth in children with one of the following conditions: • The selective child in choosing his food. • A child who needs additional nutrition to continue his...
- 46.00
- 46.00
- Unit price
- per
Blemil-Plus Baby Milk Hydrolyzed Rice Protein No. 1 is a formula intended for infants with an allergy to bovine protein. It contains a complete formula that meets their nutritional needs from birth to the sixth month of life. Blemil-Plus Baby Milk Hydrolyzed Rice Protein...
- 64.98
- 64.98
- Unit price
- per
Blemil-Plus Baby Milk Ac (Anti-colic) 2 is a follow-up milk that provides a balanced nutritional content for feeding babies prone to constipation from 6 months of age . Thanks to its special formula rich in beta-palmitate, nucleotides and magnesium, Blemil-Plus Ac (Anti-colic) 2 infant...
- 42.55
- 42.55
- Unit price
- per
Blemil-Plus Baby Milk Ac (Anti-colic) 1 Formula for babies prone to constipation, meets the nutritional needs of newborns from birth to 6 months. With its special formulation rich in beta-palmitates, low-cholesterol unsaturated fatty acids from omega-3 and omega-6 fats (docosahexaenoic acid and arachidonic acid),...
- 42.55
- 42.55
- Unit price
- per