بياري صابونه كركم 75 جم تتميز صابونة بياري بالكركم بتركيبتها الطبيعية التي تساعد على تنظيف البشرة بعمق، توحيد لونها، وتقليل ظهور الشوائب. يحتوي الكركم على خصائص مضادة للبكتيريا والالتهابات، مما يجعله مثاليًا للعناية بالبشرة الدهنية والمعرضة للحبوب، كما يمنح البشرة إشراقة طبيعية ولمسة ناعمة....
- 4.50
7.00- 4.50
- Unit price
- per
Milk spa salt for skin care from Yoko is one of the best products that help soften and whiten your skin and remove all traces of blackheads, dirt, and fat. It also helps open the pores of the skin so that you get healthy...
- 4.60
6.90- 4.60
- Unit price
- per
RDL lotion You can now moisturize the body with the best orange body lotion, which works to whiten and lighten the body thanks to the wonderful mixture of papaya lotion. You can get it now through the store pharmacy Com, which offers the best medical and...
- 7.00
14.00- 7.00
- Unit price
- per
هل تُعاني من آلام في المفاصل؟ هل تبحث عن أفضل مُنتج لتسكين الآلام بشكل فوري؟ تُقدم لك صيدلية. كوم سمارت ثيرابي لصقة حارة لتخفيف الألم؛ والتي تم تصميمها من أجل تخفيف الألم، لمُساعدتك بشكل كبير على الشعور بالراحة، والتخلص من آلام المفاصل والظهر، بالإضافة...
- 4.90
7.00- 4.90
- Unit price
- per
Vaseline Petroleum Jelly Original 50ml Do you suffer from dry skin? Do you want to buy a product that gives you effective results from the first use? Maybe you should try Vaseline Petroleum Gel Original 50 ml, known for its various benefits, which is...
- 6.20
8.95- 6.20
- Unit price
- per
What is green benzoin balsem gosok? Benzoic green balm, its benefits, balsem gosok, a natural extract known for its therapeutic benefits and wide uses. Benzoic green balm is characterized by its strong scent and high effectiveness in relieving pain and various infections. It is...
- 6.90
11.50- 6.90
- Unit price
- per
Do you want your face to look smooth and Light? Do you want to get rid of skin problems and remove wrinkles and other things?Here is the perfect solution from Sidalih.com, which is Kelly Cream 15 grams, which is distinguished by its high quality...
- 6.90
11.50- 6.90
- Unit price
- per
يُمكن الآن الحصول قزاز صابون زيت الغار الطبيعي 150 جم من صيدلية.كوم، والحصول على تنظيف عميق للبشرة، والتخلص من مُشكلات الشعر المُزعجة.مُميزات قزاز صابون زيت الغار الطبيعي 150 جميحتوي قزاز صابون زيت الغار الطبيعي 150 جم على العديد من المُميزات، من أهمها: مُناسب لأصحاب...
- 6.50
- 6.50
- Unit price
- per
سمارت ثيرابي لصقة لتخفيف الألم يحتوي على المنتول الكافور الفلفل الحار. استخدامات سمارت ثيرابي لصقة لتخفيف الألم عند استخدام ذلك المنتج، فإنك ستحصل على الفوائد التالية: يعمل على معالجة التهاب المفاصل الروماتويدي. يعالج التهاب الفقار الحاد. يعمل على معالجة النقرس الحاد بفعالية. يعالج آلام...
- 4.90
7.00- 4.90
- Unit price
- per
Essence eyeliner kajal black 01 The description: Get charming and stunning eyes with kajal pencils. Help you create crazy and trendy colors on your eyes with cool and trendy colors to ensure a completely individual style. With a very firm pencil pattern and creamy...
- 5.80
11.50- 5.80
- Unit price
- per
Oral B toothbrush 2+1 Get the Oral-B 2+1 toothbrush through us atSidalih.com , where we offer various Oral-B products for oral and dental care products. This brush also features motors that operate during use, which helps in deep cleaning and getting rid of small...
- 6.00
13.80- 6.00
- Unit price
- per
Pure cotton is naturally absorbent and gentle against the skin The cotton fibers are treated to ensure that they are anti-bacterial For cleaning sensitive areas around the eyes and outer ear
- 4.26
5.34- 4.26
- Unit price
- per
Signal Anti-Caries Toothpaste 25ml is considered one of the best products used to clean teeth and protect them from decay and tartar. It gives bright whiteness and gives your smile a wonderful glow. It contains fluoride, which fights decay. Features of Signal anti-cavities toothpaste...
- 4.00
- 4.00
- Unit price
- per
It contains pomegranate extract, adds and nourishes the skin, adds nutrients to the skin, and enhances the skin's ability to absorb water
- 4.50
9.50- 4.50
- Unit price
- per
You can get the best bath loofah, a bath loofah with a unique, easy-to-use handle, through Sidalih.com , as the loofah is characterized by giving a brighter and softer appearance. It also cleans your body deeply and effectively, and you can get it in...
- 6.32
12.65- 6.32
- Unit price
- per
Other than you, a Muslim: A wooden siwak made from the roots of the Arak tree, which is an evergreen shrub found in the Arabian Peninsula region in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia It gives the mouth a sweet and desirable smell The siwak...
- 2.50
- 2.50
- Unit price
- per
سيلفا تايجر الاصلي لصقة مسكنة للالم طويلة المفعول يحتوي على المنتول الكافور الفلفل الحار استخدامات سيلفا تايجر الاصلي لصقة مسكنة للالم طويلة المفعول عند استخدام ذلك المنتج، فإنك ستحصل على الفوائد التالية: يعمل على معالجة التهاب المفاصل الروماتويدي يعالج التهاب الفقار الحاد. يعمل على...
- 3.70
6.50- 3.70
- Unit price
- per
By using Colgate Double Action Toothbrushes, it is possible to get rid of the fine food residues that cannot be reached. It is also possible to get rid of the accumulated calcareous layers on the teeth, which leads to a change in their appearance....
- 5.00
8.00- 5.00
- Unit price
- per
Essence Lip Liner Pencil Soft & Precise 06: The description: Soft and precise lip liner that allows you to perfectly define the shape of your lips. Gives you a velvety, matte texture that lasts all day. Formula rich in moisturizing ingredients that softens even...
- 6.90
- 6.90
- Unit price
- per
Enjoy soft lips free of cracks and dryness by using Beauty Forever Cherry Lip Balm 7 g, and do not worry, you can find the product easily now on Sidalih.com . Features of Beauty Forever Cherry Lip Balm 7g A lip balm made from...
- 6.90
13.80- 6.90
- Unit price
- per