Levothyroxine is a thyroid hormone medication used to replace the lack of thyroid hormone available in your body. It is used to treat the following indications: • Hypothyroidism, a medical condition that causes the thyroid gland to secrete a smaller than normal amount of...
- 31.35
- 31.35
- Unit price
- per
Get now Ethyrox 25 mcg 100 tablets from Sidalih.com , which helps you get rid of most thyroid problems along with other therapeutic medications that your doctor can prescribe for you. Benefits of Etherox 25 mcg 100 tablets Etherox 25 mcg 100 tablets contains...
- 17.05
- 17.05
- Unit price
- per
Euthyrox 150 mcg 100 tablets: Get Eutherox 150 mcg 100 tablets now from Pharmacy.com, which helps you get rid of most thyroid problems along with other therapeutic medications that your doctor can prescribe for you. Benefits of Euthyrox 150 mcg 100 tablets Euthyrox 150 mcg...
- 36.55
- 36.55
- Unit price
- per
Levothyroxine is a thyroid hormone medication used to replace the lack of thyroid hormone available in your body. It is used to treat the following indications: • Hypothyroidism, a medical condition that causes the thyroid gland to secrete a smaller than normal amount of...
- 22.50
- 22.50
- Unit price
- per
Levothyroxine is a thyroid hormone medication used to replace the lack of thyroid hormone available in your body. It is used to treat the following indications: • Hypothyroidism, a medical condition that causes the thyroid gland to secrete a lower than normal amount...
- 22.35
- 22.35
- Unit price
- per
أقراص ليفوثايروكسين 50 مكجم ما هو ليفوثايروكسين وما هو إستخدامه: ليفوثايروكسين هو دواء هرمون الغدة الدرقية يستخدم لتعويض نقص هرمون الغدة الدرقية المتاح في جسمك. يتم استخدامه لعلاج المؤشرات التالية: قصور الغدة الدرقية، حالة طبية تؤدي إلى إفراز الغدة الدرقية لكمية أقل من المعتاد...
- 20.00
- 20.00
- Unit price
- per