Exchange and return policy

Our first priority in pharmacy. com makes sure you feel comfortable ordering the products you really want to buy. If you wish to cancel your order, you must let us know as soon as possible...

Return period :

  • If you believe you have received an item with a manufacturing error please contact us by writing to us and we will assess the situation and verify the authenticity of all returned items before processing your refund. If we cannot find the stated reason for the return or if the item is not eligible to be returned for a refund as mentioned above, we will send the item back to you without granting a refund.
  • In the event that the order is canceled or a specific product is returned in accordance with the terms and conditions mentioned above, we cannot return the amount except after receiving the returned products through the shipping company and within a maximum period of 10 working days.
  • If there is a problem with a product, such as a leak, for example, we replace the product with another product of the same type

If you are not satisfied with the item or if you change your mind after delivering the item, you can return it to us and get your money back within 7 days of its delivery. The return fee, which is 35 riyals, will be deducted. This excludes:

  • Sale items or items that have a discount code or are clearly stated as non-returnable in the product description.
  • Wholesale orders or more than 10 tablets.
  • Medicines of all kinds, nutritional supplements, baby formula, and foodstuffs, as well as makeup products, lenses, perfumes, and cosmetics, even if they are in their original condition, due to their sensitivity and to ensure your safety.
  • Items whose retail packaging boxes or seals and any labels or tags that were attached have been opened or missing
  • Special clothes and personal belongings cannot be exchanged or returned after receiving them, in order to protect your personal safety

Cancellation of orders :

  • can cancel some products from the order if their expiration date is less than 6 months, except with the customer's approval.
  • If you wish to return any product within the specified period and in accordance with the aforementioned terms and conditions, the order value will not be refunded until the returned products are received by the shipping company.
  • If an order that has been shipped is canceled and before it is received by the customer for any reason, the order value will not be refunded until the order is returned by the shipping company and received by our team, and the shipping value will be deducted from the order value.
  • If the return request is approved, the customer service staff will provide you with a waybill, which we hope you will print and deliver to the nearest branch of the service provider.
  • International orders are not returnable after they have been shipped and will be destroyed upon return
  • If the internal orders are not received after being shipped by us and have already been paid for, a return fee of 35 SAR will be deducted from the amount, in addition to the shipping cost of the order.