Louis Widmer Remederm with Silver for dry and irritated skin
It is a moisturizing cream used to treat eczema and various conditions of dryness and irritation of the skin.
Rich in urea, silver, and natural oils that restore the vitality and radiance of the skin.
Designed with distinctive ingredients that soothe, moisturize and deeply nourish the skin.
Louis Widmer Remederm Silver for dry and irritated skin restores vitality and radiance to the skin again.
Louis Widmer Remederm Silver for dry and irritated skin is considered a comprehensive treatment with advanced techniques as a result of continuous research.
With use, the skin will become brighter and give the desired appearance and confidence.
It moisturizes deeply and has a strong effectiveness in cases of severe dryness.
Rich in effective moisturizers that give it maximum effectiveness.
The moisturizing effect lasts for long periods.
It provides an outer layer of protection on the skin that protects it from external environmental factors.
Designed with ingredients that are gentle on the skin, so it has a high tolerance rate.
It contains vitamin A, which is important for regenerating skin cells and exfoliating dead layers.
It contains vitamin E, which moisturizes and softens the skin.
It contains panthenol, which reduces skin inflammation and moisturizes it strongly.
It contains urea, which increases the hydration of the outer layers of the skin and reduces keratosis.
It contains silver, which prevents infection in inflamed skin.
Louis Widmer Remederm Silver for dry and irritated skin can be applied easily to provide the greatest degree of relief.
It does not contain any irritating substances, so it is completely suitable for sensitive skin.
How to use:
Apply an appropriate amount of cream to the desired areas once or twice daily.
Massage the cream in circular motions until it is completely absorbed.