A painkiller that helps get rid of the pain that may accompany some diseases such as fever and toothache, and one of its advantages is that it has no negative effects that you can fear like other types of painkillers, and it can be said that it is the best analgesic that you can find in the market.
A wound disinfectant characterized by the presence of some antiseptic qualities in it, as it can be used to cleanse all types of wounds, whether internal or even external, and it can be applied to areas where some infections appear, and marjoram oil works to get rid of bacteria and microbes, and get rid of malaria, urinary tract infections, and pain abdomen and limits the spread of fungi.
It expels gases. Marjoram oil treats stomach gases, as it helps in treating people who have difficulty digesting food, and pains that may reach the chest as a result of stomach bloating, and it works to improve blood circulation, and helps to get rid of mucus and inflammatory bone disease, and also helps to increase secretion Stomach digestive enzymes and salivary glands and thus it improves the digestion of food inside the intestine.
A diuretic that helps increase the amount of urination, which works to help the body get rid of excess sodium in the body, which works to lower the level of blood pressure and get rid of toxic substances in the body and get a low temperature in the body.
Treatment of menstrual disorders Marjoram contributes to the regulation of the menstrual period in women whose cycles are characterized by irregularity, and it also works to treat aches that you may suffer from throughout the period, such as headache and dizziness, and it also works to prevent an early interruption of the menstrual cycle.
A sedative, it is considered one of the oils that gives a feeling of calmness and psychological stability to the brain and the body. It also relieves you of the constant feeling of anxiety, and increases the level of joy.