Swiss Slim Kit High Fiber Slimming Candy 500g Features: Made in Switzerland from 100% natural ingredients, and scientifically proven for weight loss, Swiss Slim Kit helps in weight loss of 3 to 5 kg per month. Easy to use...
Made in Switzerland from 100% natural ingredients, and scientifically proven for weight loss, Swiss Slim Kit helps in weight loss of 3 to 5 kg per month.
Easy to use and comes in Peach, Strawberry and Cherry flavors making it a convenient and easy weight loss solution.
Maintains intestinal health, helps improve intestinal health, bowel hygiene, and stimulates healthy digestion and beneficial intestinal bacteria.
The natural dietary fibers (oligofructose and inulin) found in the Swiss Diet range naturally suppress appetite, when taken with a glass of water the dietary fibers form a gel-like gel, expanding in the stomach and sending a satiety signal to the brain.
How to use:
Take one chew with a glass of water when you first feel hungry (usually 30-45 minutes before a meal).
The dietary fiber will start a gentle pressure on the bariatric receptors in the stomach wall
Within 15-30 minutes, the bariatric receptors send a signal to the brain that the stomach is full
so it temporarily reduces hunger, cravings and appetite. During the meal, you will feel less hungry