بياري صابونه كركم 75 جم تتميز صابونة بياري بالكركم بتركيبتها الطبيعية التي تساعد على تنظيف البشرة بعمق، توحيد لونها، وتقليل ظهور الشوائب. يحتوي الكركم على خصائص مضادة للبكتيريا والالتهابات، مما يجعله مثاليًا للعناية بالبشرة الدهنية والمعرضة للحبوب، كما يمنح البشرة إشراقة طبيعية ولمسة ناعمة....
- 4.50
7.00- 4.50
- Unit price
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Papaya Herbal Soap 75 g By Pyary: This soap works to whiten and unify skin tone with continued use. It removes dead skin and gets rid of acne. Suitable for all skin types.
- 5.10
6.00- 5.10
- Unit price
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Pyari Cucumber Soap: Pyari soap is made from natural essential oils in addition to turmeric extracts, which makes your skin healthy and radiant. It also nourishes the skin, maintains its hydration, and makes you feel clean and refreshed. This soap deeply cleanses the pores...
- 5.00
8.00- 5.00
- Unit price
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Karam soap for face and body Turmeric has been in Indian and Indonesian culture since ancient times. Yellow-brown powder. Turmeric is used as a skin poultice and is useful for bruises and swellingTurmeric is known for its ability to treat worsening acne on the skin, as...
- 8.00
14.00- 8.00
- Unit price
- per