Blemil Plus 1 Optimum Protec is a nutritional formula for infants from birth to 6 months Usage instructions: Blemil Plus 1 Optimum Protect is prepared by adding (scoop) measuring 4.5 grams per 30 ml of water. The following are recommended, unless your doctor recommends...
- 88.55
- 88.55
- Unit price
- per
Blemil Plus 3 Optimum Protec Milk for follow-up from 1-3 years Instructions for use: Blemil Plus 3 Optimum Protect is prepared by adding (a scoop) measuring 4.5 grams per 30 ml of water. The following is recommended, unless your doctor recommends otherwise: Warnings and...
- 45.43
- 45.43
- Unit price
- per
Blemil Baby Milk Optimum Plus (3) Fruits 400gm Ingredients: High quality proteins Vitamins and minerals DHA and ARA acids Fruit extracts Features: Supports mental and visual development: Thanks to DHA and ARA acids, this milk promotes brain development and eye health. Strengthen the immune...
- 45.43
- 45.43
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- per
بليميل بلس 3 بالفواكه حليب لنمو الطفل يتلائم مع الكلى و الجهاز الهضمي للطفل ليمنحه التغذية الصحيحة لتنمية قدراته الذهنية و الجسدية ، يساهم حليب بليميل بلس 3 في تنمية الجهاز المناعي باستمرار كما أنه يحتوي على البريبيوتكس ، و البروبيوتكس و النيوكليوتيدات التي...
- 126.02
136.29- 126.02
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- per
بليميل بلس 4 للأطفال منتج لتجهيز الطفل لإدخال حليب البقر إلى نظامه الغذائي ليمنحه الغذاء المناسب لنمو جسدي وعقلي سليم،بليميل بلس 4 للأطفال يوفر العناصر الغذائية التي تساعد على تنمية الجهاز المناعي مثل البريبيوتك ، والنيوكليوتيدات، وبعض المواد الاخرى LC-PUFAs ω-3 and ω-6 ،...
- 45.43
- 45.43
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- per
Blemil Plus HR1 is a formula for infants allergic to cow's milk protein. Completely meet their nutritional needs from birth to six months of age. Blemil Plus HR1 is made from partially hydrolyzed rice proteins, which improves its digestibility and reduces allergic reactions. Proteins:...
- 57.45
- 57.45
- Unit price
- per
Blemil Plus 2 HR is a follow-on formula for infants with cow's milk protein allergy, providing an optimal supply of nutrients to babies' diets from 6 months of age. Blemil Plus 2 HR is made from partially hydrolyzed rice proteins, which improves its digestibility...
- 64.98
- 64.98
- Unit price
- per
Blemil-Plus Baby Milk Hydrolyzed Rice Protein No. 1 is a formula intended for infants with an allergy to bovine protein. It contains a complete formula that meets their nutritional needs from birth to the sixth month of life. Blemil-Plus Baby Milk Hydrolyzed Rice Protein...
- 64.98
- 64.98
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- per
Blemil-Plus Baby Milk Ac (Anti-colic) 2 is a follow-up milk that provides a balanced nutritional content for feeding babies prone to constipation from 6 months of age . Thanks to its special formula rich in beta-palmitate, nucleotides and magnesium, Blemil-Plus Ac (Anti-colic) 2 infant...
- 42.55
- 42.55
- Unit price
- per
Blemil-Plus Baby Milk Ac (Anti-colic) 1 Formula for babies prone to constipation, meets the nutritional needs of newborns from birth to 6 months. With its special formulation rich in beta-palmitates, low-cholesterol unsaturated fatty acids from omega-3 and omega-6 fats (docosahexaenoic acid and arachidonic acid),...
- 42.55
- 42.55
- Unit price
- per