Derma Roller for Skin and Hair Ttreatment and Acne scars, size 0.5: It is a machine that is passed on the skin and has acupuncture needles taken from the idea of Chinese acupuncture After the scrolling process, cells begin to appear again, as well...
- 17.80
29.00- 17.80
- Unit price
- per
It is a machine that is passed on the skin and has acupuncture needles taken from the idea of Chinese acupuncture After the scrolling process, cells begin to appear again, as well as collagen. Among its benefits: Stimulating collagen production Improve skin elasticity Reduce...
- 17.80
29.00- 17.80
- Unit price
- per
Derma Roller Derma Roller 4 in 1 Set: The Derma Roller set works to reduce sagging skin and acne scars, in addition to spots resulting from exposure to sunlight. This set gives you healthy skin with a natural, radiant appearance. In addition to needles...
- 49.00
69.00- 49.00
- Unit price
- per
It is a machine that is passed on the skin and has acupuncture needles taken from the idea of Chinese acupuncture After the scrolling process, cells begin to appear again, as well as collagen. Among its benefits: Stimulating collagen production Improve skin elasticity Reduce...
- 17.80
29.00- 17.80
- Unit price
- per
ديرما رولر سيستم 5 في 1 مجموعة ديرما رولر فوائد ومميزات : يحتوي على 5 رؤوس بأحجام مختلفة لمعالجة مشكلات متعددة مثل التجاعيد، حب الشباب، والتصبغات. يعزز إنتاج الكولاجين ويعمل على تجديد البشرة. يساعد في تحسين مظهر الندبات وتقليل التجاعيد. يناسب جميع أنواع البشرة،...
- 80.50
115.00- 80.50
- Unit price
- per
ديرما رولر لعلاج البشرة واثار حب الشباب مقاس 1.5 فوائد ومميزات : يعمل على تقليل الندبات العميقة وآثار حب الشباب من خلال تحفيز إنتاج الكولاجين وتجديد خلايا الجلد. يساعد في تقليص التجاعيد والخطوط الدقيقة، مما يجعل البشرة تبدو أكثر شبابًا وصحة. يحسن من نسيج...
- 17.80
29.00- 17.80
- Unit price
- per
Micro-needling uses 192 needles. It can penetrate more than 250,000 microvessels on the epidermis within five minutes, forming an effective nutrient delivery system in the epidermis and subcutaneous tissue, which the nutrition active ingredient can enter into the skin effectively. Micro-needling therapy is safe,...
- 48.87
97.75- 48.87
- Unit price
- per