It helps to relax the body and gives an attractive scent
- 23.12
34.50- 23.12
- Unit price
- per
Gently softens and helps remove ingrown skin tags, dry cracked nails and dead skin. Allows you to create the perfect definition and outline for your nails. It helps remove excess tissue to give nails a flat, attractive shape. It also cleans under the nails...
- 19.00
33.35- 19.00
- Unit price
- per
Nail polish remover gently removes all traces of nail polish easily and effectively Contains glycerin oil to remove nail polish and moisturize at the same time It preserves the nails and protects them from breakage thanks to glycerin It moisturizes the nails and the...
- 14.00
18.00- 14.00
- Unit price
- per
Nail polish remover gently removes all traces of nail polish easily and effectively Contains glycerin oil to remove nail polish and moisturize at the same time It preserves the nails and protects them from breakage thanks to glycerin It moisturizes the nails and the...
- 15.00
20.00- 15.00
- Unit price
- per
It is an antiseptic for external use to prevent infection in minor cuts when cleaning nails. It is used to sterilize the nail area before and after any cosmetic surgery or skin appendix cleaning Leaves nails clean and healthy looking Cleans and disinfects the...
- 15.00
27.00- 15.00
- Unit price
- per
Global Star Garlic Oil Hair Mask 1000 ml
- 15.52
51.75- 15.52
- Unit price
- per
Global Star Moroccan Soap 1000ml with Olive Oil Extract Natural Hammam Soap with Natural Olive Oil Extract made from pure natural ingredients It helps to get rid of dead cells that accumulate in different parts of the skin in particular, and the skin in...
- 21.85
- 21.85
- Unit price
- per
Global Star Lavender Massage Oil 1000ml Global Star Lavender Body Massage Oil is a product designed to provide a relaxing and moisturizing massage experience. This oil features an aromatic lavender scent known for its soothing and relaxing properties. Smell: It features a pleasant...
- 35.00
70.00- 35.00
- Unit price
- per
جلوبال ستار زيت بعد الشمع والمساج اكليل الجبل 500 مل استمتعي بتجربة الرفاهية والاسترخاء مع زيت بعد الشمع والمساج باكليل الجبل الفاخر من جلوبال ستار. يأتي هذا الزيت بتركيبة فريدة تجمع بين فوائد الزيوت العطرية الطبيعية واكليل الجبل، ليقدم لك تجربة استرخاء فاخرة تعزز...
- 20.12
34.50- 20.12
- Unit price
- per
Do you want to use a body towel that guarantees you comfort and cleanliness? Do you want to use a towel made of materials that are gentle and soft on the skin? Then, disposable body towels, 80*160, 25 pieces, from Sidalih.com will be the...
- 55.20
- 55.20
- Unit price
- per
جلوبال ستار صنفرة 500 مل بالتوت تُقدم تقشيرًا لطيفًا وفعالًا لإزالة خلايا الجلد الميتة والشوائب، مما يساعد على تنعيم البشرة وتعزيز إشراقها. غنية بخلاصة التوت التي تمنح البشرة الترطيب والتغذية اللازمة. المميزات تمنح البشرة مظهرًا ناعمًا وصحيًا مناسبة للاستخدام على الجسم بالكامل حجم كبير...
- 12.00
25.00- 12.00
- Unit price
- per
Global Star Lavender Hair Conditioner 5L An all-in-one care product that deeply moisturises hair thanks to its formula enriched with soothing lavender extract. This conditioner helps to optimise the health of the hair and scalp, leaving hair soft, smooth and healthy-looking. The large volume...
- 43.93
51.75- 43.93
- Unit price
- per
Massage oil with the scent of flowers, massage and massage with natural oils helps to relax, get rid of stress and nervous tension. Free of petrochemicals, parabens, harmful colors and preservatives, and mineral oils. Natural oils awaken your senses, and give you comfort and...
- 20.12
34.50- 20.12
- Unit price
- per
Global Star Hair Mask and Oil with Coconut Extract 1500 ml A complete hair treatment that provides deep nourishment and hydration. It contains Coconut Extract, which has the ability to nourish and strengthen hair from root to tip. This ideal product helps to restore...
- 34.21
- 34.21
- Unit price
- per
جلوبال ستار شامبو بخلاصة الفواكه 5 لتر شامبو جلوبال ستار بخلاصة الفواكه لمنح الشعر الحيوية والانتعاش. رائحة جميلة ومعالجة للشعر التالف. ينظف شعرك بفعالية ويوفر شعرًا صحيًا. لطيف بما يكفي لاستخدامه بشكل يومي.
- 44.16
- 44.16
- Unit price
- per
Global Star Shampoo with lavender flower scent, 5 litres Shampoo with lavender flower to give your hair vitality, freshness and a beautiful scent and treat damaged hair. Global Star Lavender Shampoo, with its unique formula, softens the hair and removes deposits, restoring the hair's...
- 44.16
- 44.16
- Unit price
- per
برنسيس سائل مزيل العناية حول الاظافر 125مل مكونات المنتج : مكونات ترطيب وغسل لطيفة مواد مرطبة لتهدئة الجلد حول الأظافر فوائد ومميزات : يزيل الجلد الميت بسهولة حول الأظافر يرطب ويهدئ البشرة المحيطة بالأظافر. يحتوي على تركيبة لطيفة على الجلد. يأتي بحجم 125 مل...
- 9.50
12.00- 9.50
- Unit price
- per
Global Star Moisturizing and Whitening Hand and Body Massage Lotion with Lavender and Jojoba Oil - 1000 ml Designed to moisturize and whiten the skin, this product contains lavender and jojoba oil and aims to provide deep hydration and nourishment with the soothing and...
- 18.40
23.00- 18.40
- Unit price
- per
Global star charcoal face mask 500 ml
- 12.00
25.00- 12.00
- Unit price
- per