Labello Blackberry Lip Balm is a type of Labello lip balm that gives you the best wonderful shine on your lips. It also gives you the best distinctive and soft color and helps moisturize cracked and dry lips that need hydration. You can use...
- 11.50
16.00- 11.50
- Unit price
- per
لابيلو مرطب للعناية بالشفاه ستروبيري شاين 4.8جمِ غني بالزيوت الطبيعية التي تيعالج الشفاه الجافه والمتشققه ويمنحها لمسة من اللون الرقيق ولمعان ناعم.برائحة فاكهة الفراولة.ترطيب يدوم حتى 24 ساعة.
- 11.20
16.00- 11.20
- Unit price
- per
Moisturizing Lip Balm Cherry Shine 5.5 ml By Labello: It gives the lips a touch of subtle color and gives them a soft shine. Treats dry and cracked lips. Provides long-lasting hydration for up to 24 hours. Use daily for best results. Rich in...
- 13.60
16.00- 13.60
- Unit price
- per
Labello Moisturizing Lip Balm Original: It keeps the lips beautiful and soft all day long, and protects them from dryness. It does not leave any color residue on the lips. Treats dry and cracked lips. Provides long-lasting hydration for up to 24 hours. Use...
- 13.60
16.00- 13.60
- Unit price
- per
Lip Care Lips Stick Pomegranate 5.5 ml By Labello: It gives the lips a touch of subtle color and gives them a soft shine. Treats dry and cracked lips. Provides long-lasting hydration for up to 24 hours. Use daily for best results. Rich in...
- 13.60
16.00- 13.60
- Unit price
- per
Hyaluron Lip Moisture Plus 5.5 ml By Labello The formula enriched with pure hyaluron absorbs quickly into your lips while keeping them deeply moisturized. Ultra-smooth, non-sticky texture, ultra-light and moisturizing for an immediate and noticeable moisture boost. Long-lasting hydration and botanical formula. Gives you...
- 19.75
21.95- 19.75
- Unit price
- per
Labello Lip care Lips Stick Soft Rose 5.5 ml: It highlights the natural pink color of the lips and gives them a subtle shine. Gives lips a soft, velvety feel. Free of mineral oils and rich in natural oils. Beneficial for dry and chapped...
- 13.60
16.00- 13.60
- Unit price
- per
Moisturizing Lip Balm Men Active 5.5 ml By Labello: Lip balm specially designed for men. It is fragrance-free and leaves no shine or color on the lips. Contains SPF 15 - protection against UVA and UVB rays. Treats dry and cracked lips. Provides long-lasting...
- 13.60
16.00- 13.60
- Unit price
- per
Caring Lip Oil Glossy Finish Dress Nude 5.5 ml By Labello: Dress Nude Lip Balm moisturizes the lips, gives them a shiny finish and prevents dryness. Vegan, non-sticky formula provides lips with long-lasting hydration. Free of mineral oils and enriched with natural oils such...
- 32.09
35.65- 32.09
- Unit price
- per
Lip Care Lips Stick Watermelon 5.5 ml By Labello: It adds subtle color to the lips and gives them a subtle shine. Free of mineral oils and rich in natural oils. Beneficial for dry and chapped lips. Provides long-lasting lip hydration that lasts for...
- 13.60
16.00- 13.60
- Unit price
- per
Caring Lip Oil Glossy Finish Pink Rock 5.5 ml By Labello: Pink Rock Lip Balm moisturizes the lips, gives them a glossy finish and prevents dryness. Vegan, non-sticky formula provides lips with long-lasting hydration. Free of mineral oils and enriched with natural oils such...
- 32.09
35.65- 32.09
- Unit price
- per
هل ترغبين في الحصول على شفاه لامعة وناعمة؟ هل تُريدين الاستمتاع بمظهر شفتين ناعمتين على الدوام؟ إذن سيكون لابيللو مرطب شفاه زبدة الكاكاو 4.8جم هو الحل الأمثل لكِ من صيدلية.كوم؛ حيث يُرطب هذا المُرطب الشفاه بدرجة كبيرة، لتكون ناعمة ومُرطبة طوال اليوم. فوائد لابيللو...
- 12.93
14.38- 12.93
- Unit price
- per
يوفر رطوبة مكثفة لمدة 24 ساعة. يضفي على الشفاه مظهراً لامعًا طبيعيًا ويترك شفاهك ناعمة وسلسة. ينزلق بالتساوي وبسهولة حتى لا تحتاج مراه طريقة الاستعمال : ضع طرف بلسم الشفاه على شفتك السفلية وطبّق طبقة رقيقة متساوية من البلسم ، ثم كرر الشفة...
- 12.93
16.00- 12.93
- Unit price
- per
Try Labello Hot Pink Crayon Lip Balm 3g from Sidalih.com , and enjoy soft, radiant lips all day long. This balm is considered one of the best high-quality cosmetic products to care for the health and freshness of the lips. It contains natural ingredients...
- 24.00
- 24.00
- Unit price
- per
What do you think about trying using Labello Créon Red Lip Balm Enriched with Natural Oils 3g? Sidalih.com offers one of the best lip care products, as it contains a mixture of natural moisturizing oils, which help moisturize and soften the lips. It is...
- 28.98
32.20- 28.98
- Unit price
- per
هل تريدين الحصول على شفاه مرطبة ولها اللون الأحمر الجذاب في وقت واحد، إليكِ الحل الأمثل، إنه لابيلو كريون مرطب للشفاه بلاك شيري 3.3 مل الذي يمكنك الحصول عليه عبر موقع صيدلية.كوم. فوائد لابيلو كريون مرطب للشفاه بلاك شيري 3.3 مل هناك عدة فوائد...
- 28.98
32.20- 28.98
- Unit price
- per