Swisslac Premium Stage 3 Infant Milk (2*900 gm) Product ingredients: Contains lactose as the main source of energy. High-quality proteins and vegetable fats to promote healthy growth. Contains DHA and ARA, essential fatty acids that support brain and eye development. Contains essential vitamins and...
- 166.75
185.16- 166.75
- Unit price
- per
High quality milk through our expertise in dairy science Swisslac Premium Infant Milk Stage 3 G (ages 1-3 years) Alerts and warnings Breast milk is best for babies The World Health Organization recommends exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months of life Introducing bottle...
- 42.55
- 42.55
- Unit price
- per
Swisslac Premium Pro Plus (0-12 months) 400 grams High quality milk through our experience in the world of dairy.Swisslac Premium Pro Plus Milk (low lactose plus partially hydrolyzed protein) - from birth to 12 months 400 g. Instructions for use: Wash your hands before...
- 59.80
- 59.80
- Unit price
- per
Swisslac Premium Pro Plus 0-12 Month 400g: Swisslak Premium Pro Plus Low Lactose Milk with Partially Hydrolyzed Protein from Birth to 12 Months. Designed to meet all the nutritional needs of infants and support their healthy growth. How to use: Wash...
- 51.75
- 51.75
- Unit price
- per
Low-lactose formula. Specially developed for minor digestive problems such as colic, cramps and associated crying. Stimulates the growth of intestinal bacteria. Regulates intestinal transit. Improves the development of the nervous senses and brain. Strengthens the immune system. Rich in: DHA, ARA. 5 types of...
- 51.75
- 51.75
- Unit price
- per
عرض سويسلاك بريميوم حليب أطفال ستارتير (2) 900 جم *3 مميزات وفوائد: مخصص للأطفال من 6 إلى 12 شهرًا كغذاء تكميلي للرضاعة. يحتوي على تركيبة غنية بالـ DHA وARA لدعم تطور الدماغ والرؤية. يحتوي على البروبيوتيك والPrebiotics لدعم صحة الجهاز الهضمي. غني بالفيتامينات والمعادن...
- 250.85
277.74- 250.85
- Unit price
- per
عرض سويسلاك بريميوم حليب أطفال ستارتير (1) 900 جم *3 مميزات وفوائد: مخصص للأطفال من الولادة حتى 6 أشهر كغذاء تكميلي للرضاعة الطبيعية. يحتوي على تركيبة غنية بالـ DHA وARA لدعم تطور الدماغ والرؤية. يحتوي على البروبيوتيك والPrebiotics لدعم صحة الجهاز الهضمي. غني بالفيتامينات...
- 250.85
277.74- 250.85
- Unit price
- per
سويسلاك بريميوم حليب أطفال ستارتير (3) 400 جم مميزات وفوائد: مناسب للأطفال من عمر 1-3 سنوات، ويعد غذاء مكمل للرضاعة الطبيعية أو الصناعية. يحتوي على مزيج من الفيتامينات والمعادن الأساسية مثل الحديد والكالسيوم لدعم النمو الصحي للطفل. غني بالـ DHA وARA، وهما مكونان مهمان...
- 115.30
127.65- 115.30
- Unit price
- per
عرض سويسلاك بريميوم حليب أطفال ستارتير (2) 400 جم *3 مميزات وفوائد: مخصص للأطفال من 6 إلى 12 شهرًا كغذاء تكميلي للرضاعة الطبيعية. يحتوي على تركيبة غنية بالـ DHA وARA لدعم تطور الدماغ والرؤية. يحتوي على البروبيوتيك والPrebiotics لدعم صحة الجهاز الهضمي. غني بالفيتامينات...
- 115.30
127.65- 115.30
- Unit price
- per
عرض سويسلاك بريميوم حليب أطفال ستارتير (1) 400 جم *3 مميزات وفوائد: مخصص للأطفال من الولادة حتى 6 أشهر كغذاء تكميلي للرضاعة الطبيعية. يحتوي على تركيبة غنية بالـ DHA وARA لدعم تطور الدماغ والرؤية. يحتوي على البروبيوتيك والPrebiotics لدعم صحة الجهاز الهضمي. غني بالفيتامينات...
- 115.30
127.54- 115.30
- Unit price
- per
Swisslac Premium Starter Baby Milk (3) 900 g An integrated diet supports the child’s physical and mental development by containing essential nutrients such as carbohydrates, proteins, and vitamins. It is the most appropriate choice for your child that meets his growing needs at...
- 92.58
- 92.58
- Unit price
- per
High quality milk through our expertise in dairy science. Swisslac Premium Milk Stage 1 From birth to 6 months Usage instructions: Wash your hands before preparing infant formula. Wash the bottle or cup, nipple and cap thoroughly so that there is no milk left....
- 92.58
- 92.58
- Unit price
- per
High quality milk through our expertise in dairy science. Swisslac premium baby milk for the fun of 2 to 4 Usage instructions: Wash your hands before preparing infant formula. Wash the bottle or cup, nipple and cap thoroughly so that there is no milk...
- 92.58
- 92.58
- Unit price
- per
To treat children with diarrhea, flatulence, or increased gas production. This product should be used under medical supervision. Lactose Free - Nutritional formula for indigestion and diarrhea due to lactose intolerance. Used from birth. Instructions for use: Wash your hands before preparing milk food...
- 63.25
- 63.25
- Unit price
- per
High quality milk through our expertise in dairy science. Swisslac Premium Infant Milk Stage 1 From birth to 6 months Instructions for use: Wash your hands before preparing baby formula. Wash the bottle or cup, teat and cap well until no milk remains. Leave...
- 42.55
- 42.55
- Unit price
- per
High quality milk through our expertise in dairy science. Swisslac Premium Baby Milk for Fun from 2 to 4 Instructions for use: Wash your hands before preparing baby formula. Wash the bottle or cup, teat and cap well until no milk remains. Leave it...
- 42.55
- 42.55
- Unit price
- per
High quality milk through our experience in the dairy world. Swisslac Premium Protein Hydrolyzed Milk (WH) . Instructions for use: Wash your hands before preparing baby formula. Wash the bottle or cup, teat and cap well until no milk remains. Leave it to boil...
- 67.85
- 67.85
- Unit price
- per
AR is a formula for babies with reflux. This product should be used under medical supervision. Reduces the frequency and volume of reflux by 50%. Improves the development of the nervous senses and brain. Stimulates the growth of intestinal bacteria. Regulates intestinal transit. Strengthens...
- 57.50
- 57.50
- Unit price
- per