هل تريدين شفاه مرطبة وناعمة دائمًا؟ هل ترغبين في تغذية شفتيك وجعلها مظهرها أكثر نضارة وجمالًا؟ إذن إليكِ الآن الحل الأمثل من صيدلية.كوم؛ وهو بيزلين مرطب شفاه بالعسل و الحليب 4 جم؛ والذي يعمل على ترطيب الشفاه بفعالية وقوة؛ ليتركها مرطبة وناعمة. فوائد بيزلين...
- 13.80 ريال
- 13.80 ريال
- Unit price
- per
هل تبحثين عن مرطب شفاه بمكونات طبيعية؟ هل ترغبين في أن يرطب شفتيكِ بعمق؟ جربي الآن إذن الحل من صيدلية.كوم وهو بيزلين مرطب شفاه بزبدة الشيا وزيت الافوكادو 4 جم؛ حيث يحتوي هذا المرطب على المكونات التي تعمل على ترطيب الشفاه الجافة وحمايتها. فوائد...
- 18.00 ريال
22.09 ريال- 18.00 ريال
- Unit price
- per
يعتبر بيزلين مرطب شفايف بالكرز 4 جم أنه العلاج النهائي للشفاه الجافة المتشققة، وذلك لأنه يقوم بتهدئة وترطيب وتجديد البشرة الحساسة للشفاه وأيضاً حمايتها من التهيجات الخارجية، تركيبة غنية بشمع العسل الطبيعي والزيوت الثمينة مع فيتامين سي وفيتامين e وفيتامين وf، ويمكنك الحصول عليه...
- 18.00 ريال
22.09 ريال- 18.00 ريال
- Unit price
- per
Dry and cracked lips are a common problem that many women suffer from, especially in the winter or when exposed to external factors, such as sunlight and cold winds. If you are looking for an effective lip balm that gives your lips deep hydration...
- 18.00 ريال
22.08 ريال- 18.00 ريال
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- per
The perfect treatment for dry and chapped lips! Soothes, moisturizes and rejuvenates the delicate skin of the lips with the healing properties of beeswax and precious oils. It also protects against sensitizing external factors
- 18.00 ريال
22.09 ريال- 18.00 ريال
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- per
The perfect treatment for dry and chapped lips! Soothes, moisturizes and rejuvenates the delicate skin of the lips with the healing properties of beeswax and precious oils. It also protects against sensitizing external factors.
- 13.80 ريال
- 13.80 ريال
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- per
An ointment with a natural and effective formula, it provides nourishment and the most suitable treatment for dry and chapped skin. It soothes sensitive skin, such as eczema, with its deeply moisturizing and antioxidant properties. Suitable for pilgrims and Umrah performers during the period...
- 43.70 ريال
- 43.70 ريال
- Unit price
- per
Beesline Whitening Deodorant Roll-On Sport Pulse Provides 48 hour antiperspirant protection. It works to control unpleasant odors and soothes the skin after shaving. It absorbs sweat and reduces the appearance of stains on clothes. Helps achieve a lighter, clearer and fresher complexion.
- 54.85 ريال
63.25 ريال- 54.85 ريال
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- per
Safe and innovative formula It guarantees 72 hours of superior protection during hot weather It combats bad odors It absorbs sweat and calms the skin, as it opens it and unifies its color.
- 68.08 ريال
85.10 ريال- 68.08 ريال
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Safe and innovative formula It guarantees 72 hours of superior protection during hot weather It combats bad odors It absorbs sweat and calms the skin, as it opens it and unifies its color.
- 68.08 ريال
85.10 ريال- 68.08 ريال
- Unit price
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Beesline Deodorant Roll On Fragrance Free 50ml Features and benefits: Fragrance-free: Suitable for people who prefer an odourless deodorant or are allergic to fragrances. Natural ingredients: Contains ingredients that are gentle on the skin and help keep it healthy. Sweat-resistant: Provides long-lasting protection against...
- 34.00 ريال
44.85 ريال- 34.00 ريال
- Unit price
- per
Safe and innovative formula It guarantees 72 hours of superior protection during hot weather It combats bad odors It absorbs sweat and calms the skin, as it opens it and unifies its color.
- 75.00 ريال
85.10 ريال- 75.00 ريال
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- per
Roll-on deodorant to lighten the skin. Provides anti-perspirant protection that lasts 48 hours. It controls unpleasant odors and soothes the skin after shaving. Absorbs sweat and reduces the appearance of stains on clothes. It helps in obtaining lighter, clearer and more refreshed skin.
- 86.85 ريال
129.10 ريال- 86.85 ريال
- Unit price
- per
Beesline Roll-On Skin Whitening Deodorant, gentle and enriched with Teflose, soothes and moisturizes sensitive skin, effective and safe antibacterial, provides purity and freshness under the armpits.
- 86.85 ريال
121.90 ريال- 86.85 ريال
- Unit price
- per
Beesline Deodorant Roll-on Invisible Touch 50ml 1 + the second at a 50% discount: It is an effective deodorant that provides protection against odors and perspiration, with a soft touch on the skin. This deodorant is suitable for sensitive skin and provides long-lasting protection...
- 86.85 ريال
129.10 ريال- 86.85 ريال
- Unit price
- per
رول أون بتركيبة آمنة ومبتكرة، يضمن حماية ٤٨ ساعة من التعرق. فهو يكافح الروائح الكريهة، يمتص العرق ويهدئ البشرة. كما يعمل على تفتيح البشرة الداكنة تحت الإبط ويؤخر ظهور الشعر. لبشرة أفتح وأكثر إنتعاشاً تحت الذراعين. إرشادات الاستخدام: يُستعمل يومياً. تُدهن طبقة رقيقة...
- 72.68 ريال
90.85 ريال- 72.68 ريال
- Unit price
- per
To control body odors and maintain a healthy skin environment. Eliminates dark areas and unwanted hair. It moisturizes and soothes sensitive skin. Eliminates odor-causing bacteria. Safe and effective, it leaves your underarms refreshed How to use A thin layer is placed under the armpits...
- 86.48 ريال
101.78 ريال- 86.48 ريال
- Unit price
- per
Eye and lip make-up remover A two-layer cleansing fluid that removes waterproof and long-wearing makeup while brightening skin and reducing the look of dark circles. For glowing skin under the eyes. Works on : Complete makeup removal Bright and youthful skin around the eye...
- 54.05 ريال
- 54.05 ريال
- Unit price
- per
Developed with LumiMAX6TM technology It whitens the skin and enhances its radiance Corrects wrinkles and restores facial contours to their natural density
- 95.27 ريال
105.80 ريال- 95.27 ريال
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Beesline 3 in 1 Water Cleaner Fragrance Free 100ml A water-based cleanser that removes make-up, cleanses and soothes the skin. It removes deposits that lead to clogged pores and leaves the skin refreshed without causing dryness.
- 24.15 ريال
32.00 ريال- 24.15 ريال
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- per