مميزات يوكو بلسم للجسم بخلاصة الحليب والزبادي 400 مل يغذي ويرطب بشرتك. يترك بشرتك أكثر نعومة وأخف وزناً وأكثر نعومة وصحة. يحمي البشرة من الجفاف. يترك البشرة ناعمة كالحرير ومشرقة. مناسب لجميع أنواع البشرة. كيف تستعمل: ضعي المستحضر على البشرة ودلكي بلطف حتى تمتصه....
- 30.18
40.25- 30.18
- Unit price
- per
Do you dream of soft skin like a baby? Do you want to regain your vitality easily? You should use Yoko Ultra Gold Salt Body Scrub HYA8 350g, and you can purchase it from Sidalih.com . Features of Yoko Ultra Gold Salt Body Scrub...
- 13.68
16.10- 13.68
- Unit price
- per
Milk protein foam for cleansing sensitive skin deeply removes dirt on the face, milk proteins that help make the skin moisturized, soft, not dry and tight like regular foam. Helps reduce facial wrinkles. How to use: Lather up with a little water, gently massage...
- 17.00
19.55- 17.00
- Unit price
- per
Yoko bar soap vitamin c 90g Product Description: Gives you radiant and vibrant skin. It cleanses your skin, purifies it, and removes impurities, dirt, and excess oils. Enhances the freshness and health of your skin. It refreshes your skin. Gives you smooth, silky skin....
- 8.05
9.20- 8.05
- Unit price
- per
Made with pure milk and yogurt extracts.Yogurt extract contains proteins from milk and lactic acid.It helps remove dead cells and helps remove wrinkles.It helps stimulate cell regeneration and replenish the effect of vitamins and minerals on the skin.Restores moisture and keeps your skin soft...
- 11.20
31.05- 11.20
- Unit price
- per
Yoko Peach Milk Body Scrub Salt 350 grams is considered one of the ideal products provided by Sidalih.com to rejuvenate and soften the skin, due to it containing milk extracts, minerals, and natural salt grains, which help to soften and deeply moisturize the skin....
- 13.68
16.10- 13.68
- Unit price
- per
Yoko Milk Extract Body Lotion 400 ml A moisturizing and soothing product that contains natural milk extract that deeply nourishes and hydrates the skin. It helps keep skin soft and supple, giving it a healthy glow and a smooth appearance.Features Contains milk extract that...
- 29.85
40.25- 29.85
- Unit price
- per
Yoko Moisturizing Hand Cream With Milk Extracts 50 Gm A product dedicated to moisturizing and nourishing hands thanks to its formula enriched with milk extract. It comes in a 50g bottle and aims to improve the texture of the hands and make them softer...
- 12.50
17.25- 12.50
- Unit price
- per
Yoko Yogurt Facial Foam 100ml An effective and gentle cleansing foam designed to deeply cleanse the skin while keeping it moisturized. It contains yogurt extract that helps nourish and moisturize the skin naturally, leaving it soft and radiant. Suitable for normal to dry skin,...
- 15.64
19.55- 15.64
- Unit price
- per
Enjoy soft skin free of cracks and dead skin by using Yoko Refreshing Tomato Bath Salt 300 g, known for its many benefits, and it is now available through Sidalih.com. Features of Yoko Refreshing Tomato Bath Salt 300g The product is distinguished by its...
- 5.17
6.90- 5.17
- Unit price
- per
Enjoy a refreshing bath when you use Yoko Bath Salt - Tamarind 300 g from Sidalih.com , and get rid of annoying skin problems in an effective and safe way. Benefits of Yoko Bath Salt - Tamarind 300 g Yoko Bath Salt - Tamarind...
- 5.17
6.90- 5.17
- Unit price
- per
يحميك يوكو كريم تبييض البشرة بخلاصة البابايا 4 جم من تلف الجلد والدباغة بسبب أشعة الشمس الضارة وينعم ويضيء البشرة بتقنية إزالة البقع يوكو كريم تبييض البشرة بخلاصة البابايا 4 جم مدعوم من "الأبيض النشط" مكون تبييض ثوري بقوة 10x من فيتامين ج المميزات...
- 8.05
10.35- 8.05
- Unit price
- per
Yoko Ginseng And Pearl Skin Whitening Cream 4 Gm: Advantages: Contains ginseng extract and kojic acid. Provides protection from UV rays. It keeps your face whiter and brighter. For smooth, youthful and pure skin.
- 3.53
10.35- 3.53
- Unit price
- per
Smoothes and brightens the complexion, making your skin white and smooth. Deeply cleanses and whitens the skin. Helps restore rough and dull skin from pollution and sunlight to look more radiant. It removes dirt and dead skin cells from your body, giving you fresh...
- 5.17
6.90- 5.17
- Unit price
- per
Smoothes and brightens the complexion, making your skin white and smooth. Deeply cleanses and whitens the skin. Helps restore rough and dull skin from pollution and sunlight to look more radiant. It removes dirt and dead skin cells from your body, giving you fresh...
- 6.03
8.05- 6.03
- Unit price
- per
Do you suffer from skin cracks? Are you trying to have smooth skin? Perhaps you should try Yoko Refreshing Lemon Bath Salt 300 g, known for its distinctive benefits, and it is available through Sidalih.com . Features of Yoko Refreshing Lemon Bath Salt 300g...
- 5.18
6.90- 5.18
- Unit price
- per
Enjoy soft skin free of dead skin and annoying odors by using Yoko Gluta Beauty Bath Salt 300 g in the appropriate way, which is one of the products available through Sidalih.com. Features of Yoko Gluta Beauty Bath Salt 300g Salt is characterized by...
- 5.17
6.90- 5.17
- Unit price
- per
تُعاني من الجلد الميت؟ تُريدين استخدام مُنتج يُخلصك من الأوساخ ويمنحكِ شعورًا بالانتعاش؟ ربما عليك إلقاء نظرة على يوكو ملح استحمام - ساكورا 300 جم المُميز، وهو متاح من خلال صيدلية.كوم. مُميزات يوكو ملح استحمام - ساكورا 300 جم يتميز الملح بمكوناته التي تخلص...
- 5.17
6.90- 5.17
- Unit price
- per
هل ترغبين في الحصول على بشرة مضيئة وناعمة؟ هل ترغبين في أن تكون بشرتك نظيفة وبيضاء؟ إذن استخدمي يوكو ملح استحمام - الصبار 300 جم من صيدلية.كوم؛ لأن يُعد من أفضل المنتجات التي يمكنك استخدامها للحصول على بشرة نظيفة وناعمة وبيضاء كذلك. فوائد يوكو...
- 5.17
6.90- 5.17
- Unit price
- per
يوكو كولد كريم ترطيب البشرة الجافة والقاسية 50 جم كريم مصمم خصيصاً لترطيب البشرة الجافة والقاسية. يأتي في عبوة سعة 50 جم ويستهدف توفير ترطيب مكثف وتغذية للبشرة الجافة والمتشققة. المميزات: ترطيب مكثف: يوفر ترطيباً عميقاً ومكثفاً، مما يساعد في علاج جفاف البشرة بشكل...
- 16.38
21.85- 16.38
- Unit price
- per