Lactonic AR is an anti-reflux milk, a special nutritional formula for babies and infants who suffer from reflux. It contains carob flour and casein protein, both of which are nutrients that increase the consistency of milk, which reduces reflux. It is also a complete, easy-to-digest diet that supports the physical and mental development of the child. It can be used from birth to a year.
Lactonic AR is a formula for infants that can be used from one day to one year of age.
Lactonic AR milk is suitable for children who suffer from reflux, thanks to the fact that it contains carob flour and casein protein.
Carob flour and casein protein increase the consistency of milk, which reduces the chances of reflux.
Lactonic AR milk contains the nucleotides, arachidonic acid and decosahexaenoic acid.
Nucleotides support the child's growth and development and meet his needs for amino acids.
DHA and ARA support and maintain a child's mental development.