Nuracol capsules are prescribed naturally and safely to dissolve gallstones.
Powerful pain reliever.
Antiseptic for the bile duct and digestive system.
Improves liver efficiency.
Active Ingredients:
Menthol (peppermint oil):
It has proven its effectiveness as a powerful analgesic in cases of gallbladder infections, colon irritation, and intestinal colic.
It prevents the formation of cholesterol particles in the gallbladder and is one of the most important causes of gallstones.
It has a strong antimicrobial effect.
It relieves the severity of gallbladder cramps and pain that occur due to bile duct obstruction.
The Menthon:
"It has a dual role in dissolving gallstones and also prevents the formation of new stones."
Alpha and beta pinene:
It prevents the formation of cholesterol stones in the gallbladder and also stimulates enzymes that help dissolve them and pass them through the bile duct.
A magical ingredient that acts as an anti-inflammatory and powerful analgesic for unbearable gallbladder pain.
Strong antimicrobial effect.
A strong stimulant of the digestive process by stimulating gastric juice, which has a positive effect on blood circulation.
It is also used as an antiseptic and antimicrobial.
It has a dual effect as an antioxidant and antimicrobial.
An ideal compound in treating digestive and gallbladder problems.
Broad spectrum antifungal, bacteria and viruses.
Anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory.
Extensor of smooth muscles along the digestive tract.
It has an effective role in protecting liver cells.
Therapeutic Uses:
Auxiliary treatment in breaking up gallstones.
Prevents the formation of new stones in the gallbladder.
Increased secretion of bile.
An analgesic for gallbladder pain (pain in the middle to upper right area of the abdomen).
A stimulant for liver metabolic functions that inhibits the process of manufacturing cholesterol and triglycerides.
It is used as a coadjuvant with low or medium doses of other gallbladder medications to provide double effectiveness and fewer side effects.
For adults, take one capsule half an hour before eating, 3 times daily.
For children (6-14 years) take one capsule half an hour before eating, twice daily.
It is recommended to drink enough water.
Hypersensitivity to any of the active ingredients.