سند س زيت الكمون 125 مل.

Sanad cumin oil 125 ml

Vendor: Sondos
SKU: 09009a

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سند س زيت الكمون 125 مل.

Vendor: Sondos

Sanad cumin oil 125 ml


Vendor: Sondos

Sanad cumin oil 125 ml


Health benefits of cumin oil:

1. Fight Diabetes:

Cumin oil has anti-diabetic properties that help treat diabetes and other symptoms associated with this disease. Some studies showed that the cases that used cumin oil noticed a significant decrease in the level of sugar in the blood, while stimulating digestion with the presence of pepsin and improving insulin and glycogen levels in the tissues.

  • The anti-sugar production property of cumin oil helps to delay the appearance of cataracts due to diabetes, as it reduces cholesterol, fatty acids, triglycerides and phospholipids, thus creating a protective shield on the liver, pancreas and kidneys by reducing the level of toxic substances.

2. Antioxidants:
In the recent period, cancer has become an inevitable threat to life for all mankind, and the presence of flavonoids makes cumin oil effective against free radicals and lipid peroxides that play a major role in oxidative damage that initially targets cellular death, and if left untreated, it may lead to death.

  • The antioxidant property of cumin oil makes it effective in preventing cancer and other health risks caused due to cellular oxidation.
  • A 2011 study states that cumin has many properties that make it anti-colon tumors, and cumin seed oil reduces the activity of β-glucuronidase and mucinase enzymes that work in liberating toxins and promoting decomposition of colon mucus, which leads to the emergence of colon cancer.

3. Antiseptic:
The antiseptic properties of cumin oil make it useful in treating scrapes and external and internal wounds, and cumin seed oil has a long history of use on wounds, acne, and boils for its antiseptic and quick healing qualities.

4. Antispasmodic:
This oil has very effective antispasmodic properties and can be used in the treatment of all kinds of spasms and related problems such as spasms, spasms, non-stop coughing, and pains.

5. Antibacterial:
Cumin oil is antibacterial and can be used in the treatment of diarrhea and cholera, which are caused by bacteria. Moreover, it can treat internal bacterial infections such as those found in the colon, stomach, intestines, and urinary tract, as well as external infections on the skin, ears, eyes, and wounds.

6. Carminative:
Cumin oil has strong and effective carminative properties that remove gases from the intestines, and it also prevents the formation of more gases.

7. Detox:
Cumin oil has detoxifying properties, including those produced by the body, such as some excess hormones and by-products of metabolism, as well as those that get into the bloodstream through food, such as uric acid, pesticides, artificial colors, and fertilizers. To sweat and urinate, thus removing toxins.

8. Aiding Digestion:
Cumin oil aids in digestion, but it should be taken in low doses, as higher doses can do the exact opposite, and can also cause vomiting, as the oil encourages the drainage of bile and gastric juices, stimulating bowel movements, and its aroma acts as an appetizer to stimulate your appetite. Cumin improves the digestion process that begins in the mouth, as the aromatic compounds of cumin seed oil cause stimulation of the salivary glands in the mouth, which leads to proper saliva secretion with a good PH value.

9. Diuretic:
Cumin oil increases urination, whether in frequency or quantity, and this may seem not important, but it is very beneficial for health, since along with the urine, fat is lost from the body, which amounts to 4% of the urine volume. Therefore, it is clear that Urination helps to lose more fat.

  • Urination also promotes digestion, removes excess water from the body and reduces swelling, and its biggest contribution is that it helps remove toxins from the body. What's more, it lowers blood pressure, which is why most drugs that lower blood pressure stimulate frequent urination, which helps Also on cleaning the kidneys.

10. Emmenstrual:
Cumin oil acts as a natural stimulant that regulates the secretion of hormones and enzymes, especially in women, and the flavonoids and menotropins present in this oil have an effect on estrogen, which corrects imbalances and hormonal treatments for menstruation and irregularities in the menstrual cycle, because it increases estrogen levels and strengthens the uterus and ovaries, which in turn has a positive effect on Increased immunity.

  • The phytoestrogens in cumin seed oil strengthen bones by reducing urinary calcium excretion and increasing the calcium content in the body and thus help in dealing with menopausal osteoporosis.

11. Expectorant:
Cumin oil helps treat colds, bronchitis, asthma, coughs and other respiratory infections caused by phlegm and mucus that obstruct the nasal passages, bronchi and respiratory tract. Being an antimicrobial agent, it kills harmful viruses and bacteria that cling to the respiratory tract.

12. Tranquilizer:
Cumin oil is very useful for nerves and helps in treating nervous disorders such as spasms, anxiety, and stress.

13. Relaxation:
Cumin oil is a natural relaxant with a unique aroma, as this oil has a calming effect on the mind and works to reduce stress, and the presence of rich nutrients and other chemical therapeutic ingredients make cumin oil enhance your mind, relax your body and help a deep sleep, studies have proven Cumin oil also has anti-stress and memory-boosting properties, so students with poor memory and poor intellectual skills should use cumin oil.

14. Alarm:
Cumin seeds and essential oil contain thymol, which acts as an effective stimulant in stimulating milk secretion and increasing the quantity and quality of breast milk, which proves to be beneficial for the nursing mother and child as a natural source of iron, manganese and zinc.

  • Cumin seed oil helps in transporting oxygen and nutrients to all parts of the body through the blood, and increases the strength of women's immunity, as it stimulates the digestive system.

15. Tonic:
Cumin oil maintains harmony between muscles, tissues, skin, and various systems within the body, such as the respiratory system, circulatory system, nervous system, digestive system, and excretory system, and this has a tonic effect that helps maintain your youth for a long time.

Cumin oil uses:

  • Dilute cumin oil and massage it on areas of concern to increase blood circulation.
    Use 3 drops of cumin oil mixed with 1.5 ml of sesame oil to massage the abdomen, and help stimulate the digestive system that helps relieve flatulence, indigestion, diarrhea, intestinal cramps, gastrointestinal infections, colic in infants, nausea and morning sickness.
  • Add a drop of cumin oil to your favorite tea for digestive support.
  • Add a drop to your nasal inhaler for respiratory support.
  • Add 2 drops of cumin essential oil in warm bath water to boost your appetite and soothe an upset stomach.
  • Add a drop of cumin oil to your moisturizer or hair care products.
  • Open a bottle of cumin oil and inhale it to increase appetite.
  • Inhaling the aroma of cumin oil is very beneficial by adding 2 drops of this oil in a burner, vaporizer or diffuser that helps you in controlling blood sugar levels, which is done when the aromatic molecules of this oil reach the limbic system and the pituitary gland, the control center of the body via By passing the healing properties of this oil over the entire system.
  • Cumin is the most successful for cellulite, where you can mix 15 ml of almond oil, 2 drops of wheat germ oil, 8 drops of cumin oil and 3 drops of orange or lemon oil together, and used to massage the legs, thighs, and abdominal area.
  • Massage your body with 20 drops of cumin essential oil mixed with 10 ml of virgin olive oil that helps in reducing the effects of free radicals and limiting the spread of cell damage by penetrating the skin and reaching every cell in the body.
    Mix 2 drops of cumin essential oil with 1 ml of jojoba oil and add it to your skin care cream, lotion and apply it on the skin to improve your complexion, anti-aging to improve symptoms such as wrinkles, wound healing and reducing microbial growth, which causes acne and other skin infections.
  • Add 4 drops of cumin essential oil in warm bath water or massage your body with 20 drops of cumin essential oil mixed with 10 ml of coconut oil to cleanse the body of toxins.

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