Primalac Ultima HA (2) 400 g Primalac Ultima HA2 is a milk with a special formula for children who need protection from an allergy to cow's milk and who may be exposed to it and may suffer from colic, constipation, and skin irritation as...
- 74.00
- 74.00
- Unit price
- per
Primalac Ultima Pro Baby Milk 400 Gm Product ingredients: Primalac Ultima Pro Milk contains lactose as the main source of energy. It includes a blend of high-quality proteins and vegetable fats. It contains essential fatty acids such as DHA and ARA, which support brain...
- 69.00
- 69.00
- Unit price
- per
Primalac Ultima 2 with Nutractive..the new generation of infant formula developed by Primalac Contains HMO to increase the immunity of the digestive system, reduce the incidence of gastroenteritis, increase the efficiency of the immune system, and reduce the chances of disease It contains natural...
- 49.45
- 49.45
- Unit price
- per
Primalac Ultima 2 with Nutriactive...the new developed generation of Primalac infant formula It contains HMO to increase digestive system immunity, reduce the incidence of intestinal infections, increase the efficiency of the immune system, and reduce the chances of contracting diseases. It contains natural milk...
- 191.22
- 191.22
- Unit price
- per
PPrimalac Ultima Baby Milk (3) 800g Primalac Ultima 3 with Nuactive, the new generation developed from Primalac infant formula.It contains HMO to increase digestive system immunity, reduce the incidence of intestinal infections, increase the efficiency of the immune system, and reduce the chances of...
- 96.43
- 96.43
- Unit price
- per
Primalac Ultima 3 with Nutractive...the new developed generation of Primalac infant formula It contains HMO to increase digestive system immunity, reduce the incidence of intestinal infections, increase the efficiency of the immune system, and reduce the chances of contracting diseases. It contains natural milk...
- 191.28
0.00- 191.28
- Unit price
- per
Primalac Primasure Total 3+ - 400g PrimaSure Total +3 from 3-10 years.A complete and balanced nutritional formula for children who need high calories.It contains 37 nutrients for better growth and development.It contains Omega 3 to help your child’s brain develop and increase his concentration...
- 52.51
- 52.51
- Unit price
- per
Primalac Ultima 1 with Nutractive..the new generation of infant formula developed by Primalac Contains HMO to increase the immunity of the digestive system, reduce the incidence of gastroenteritis, increase the efficiency of the immune system, and reduce the chances of disease It contains natural...
- 96.43
- 96.43
- Unit price
- per
Primalac Ultima Pro..the new generation of infant formula developed by Primalac It is used for children who suffer from frequent colic and continuous crying due to flatulence and colic It contains less lactose, in addition to that it contains all the elements and micronutrients...
- 147.20
- 147.20
- Unit price
- per
Primalac Ultima Pre 400g Primalac Ultima Bree milk is specially formulated for premature babies who are born with low weight and who may need double amounts of protein and condensed nutrients to be able to grow better and resemble their peers as quickly as...
- 74.00
- 74.00
- Unit price
- per
عرض بريمالاك ألتيما برو حليب أطفال 400 جم *3 فوائد ومميزات: يوفر تغذية متكاملة للأطفال من عمر 0-6 أشهر. يحتوي على تركيبة تحاكي حليب الأم لدعم النمو الطبيعي وتطور الطفل. يعزز جهاز المناعة بفضل احتوائه على الفيتامينات والمعادن الأساسية. يحتوي على أحماض دهنية أساسية...
- 182.52
207.00- 182.52
- Unit price
- per
عرض بريمالاك ألتيما حليب أطفال (2) 400 جم *3 فوائد ومميزات: مناسب للأطفال من عمر 6 أشهر إلى 1 سنة يوفر تغذية متكاملة لدعم النمو الصحي والتطور السلي يحتوي على تركيبة غنية بالفيتامينات والمعادن الأساسية مثل الكالسيوم وفيتامين D لدعم صحة العظام والنمو السليم....
- 130.80
148.35- 130.80
- Unit price
- per
عرض بريمالاك ألتيما حليب أطفال (1) 800 جم *3 فوائد ومميزات: مناسب للأطفال من عمر 0-6 أشهر: يوفر تغذية متكاملة لدعم النمو الصحي والتطور السليم. يحتوي على تركيبة تحاكي حليب الأم لدعم النمو الطبيعي وتطور الطفل. يحتوي على أحماض دهنية أساسية مثل DHA و...
- 255.07
289.28- 255.07
- Unit price
- per
عرض بريمالاك ألتيما حليب أطفال (1) 400 جم *3 فوائد ومميزات: مناسب للأطفال من عمر 0-6 أشهر يوفر تغذية متكاملة لدعم النمو الصحي والتطور السليم. على تركيبة تحاكي حليب الأم لدعم النمو الطبيعي وتطور الطفل. يحتوي على أحماض دهنية أساسية مثل DHA و ARA...
- 130.80
148.35- 130.80
- Unit price
- per
Primalac WH2 infant milk with hydrolyzed protein from 6 to 12 months 900g • It is used for children from 6 to 12 months. • A formula for infants who are allergic to cow’s milk, thanks to it containing hydrolyzed whey protein to reduce...
- 115.00
- 115.00
- Unit price
- per
Primalac Ultima HA (1) 400g Primalac Ultima HA1 is a milk with a special formula for children who need protection from an allergy to cow's milk and who may be exposed to it and may suffer from colic, constipation, and skin irritation as a...
- 74.00
- 74.00
- Unit price
- per
Primalac Ultima Baby Milk (3) 400g Primalac Ultima 3 with Nuactive, the new generation developed from Primalac infant formula.It contains HMO to increase digestive system immunity, reduce the incidence of intestinal infections, increase the efficiency of the immune system, and reduce the chances of...
- 49.45
- 49.45
- Unit price
- per
Primalac Ultima Baby Milk (2) 800g Primalac Ultima 2 with Nutriactive...the new developed generation of Primalac infant formula.It contains HMO to increase digestive system immunity, reduce the incidence of intestinal infections, increase the efficiency of the immune system, and reduce the chances of contracting...
- 96.43
- 96.43
- Unit price
- per
Primalac Ultima 1 with Nutractive..the new generation of infant formula developed by Primalac Contains HMO to increase the immunity of the digestive system, reduce the incidence of gastroenteritis, increase the efficiency of the immune system, and reduce the chances of disease It contains natural...
- 49.45
- 49.45
- Unit price
- per
Primalac Ultima AR1..the new generation of infant formula developed by Primalac It is used for children who suffer from frequent vomiting and reflux, which leads to continuous crying and discomfort resulting from heartburn and vomiting. Easy to digest to reduce reflux and vomiting in...
- 69.00
- 69.00
- Unit price
- per