Super Miracle Spot 14 Days AHA, BHA and PHA is a light and transparent gel that treats problematic skin without drying or leaving unwanted residue. It is effective on problem areas because it is a transparent dressing and has a water repellent ability to...
- 15.00 ريال
24.00 ريال- 15.00 ريال
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- per
The AHA BHA PHA set contains 10,000 parts per million of natural tea tree extract for bright, clean and moisturized skin because it removes dead cells and dirt accumulated on the skin. The soap gently exfoliates and cleanses the skin. The toner provides deep...
- 59.00 ريال
128.80 ريال- 59.00 ريال
- Unit price
- per
Some By Mi Retinol Intensive Care Eye Cream 30ml A triple action cream to improve the appearance of eye wrinkles, dark circles, fine lines and soothe the skin. It contains a concentration of retinol, which rejuvenates skin cells (0.1%). It helps stimulate collagen production...
- 88.40 ريال
104.00 ريال- 88.40 ريال
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- per
AHA BHA PHA products contain 10,000 parts per million of natural tea tree extract to get a bright, clean and moisturized skin because it removes dead cells and dirt accumulated on the skin. The perfect toner works to deeply cleanse the pores and moisturizes...
- 57.00 ريال
103.00 ريال- 57.00 ريال
- Unit price
- per
سوم باي مي مجموعة اس او اس لعلاج حبوب البشرة مجموعة إس أو إس من سوم باي مي هي الحل المثالي للعناية بالبشرة المعرضة للحبوب. صُممت المجموعة بتركيبة فعّالة تحتوي على مكونات طبيعية تهدف إلى تنظيف البشرة بعمق، تهدئة التهيج، تقليل ظهور الحبوب، والمساعدة...
- 60.00 ريال
129.00 ريال- 60.00 ريال
- Unit price
- per
Formulated with antioxidant-rich Green Tea and naturally derived BHA to gently exfoliate blackheads and whiteheads, leaving your skin hydrated with a healthy, natural glow. It contains 16 teas, naturally sourced bubbles and Konjac granules to cleanse the skin pores and remove any impurities left...
- 81.45 ريال
90.51 ريال- 81.45 ريال
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Some By Mi Retinol Intensive Care Set Eye Cream 10ml + Retinol Serum 10ml Concentrated retinol routine for effective anti-aging care. Contents: Eye contour care cream 10ml. Facial skin care serum 10 ml. The evening eye cream is designed to take care of fine...
- 59.00 ريال
84.00 ريال- 59.00 ريال
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An amazing cream, it purifies your skin, besides it removes dead skin cells and sebum inside the pores thanks to its formula enriched with tea tree extract, which also maintains the natural moisture of the skin. How to use: Spread a generous amount of...
- 75.00 ريال
124.20 ريال- 75.00 ريال
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Some By Mi Retinol Intensive Care Facial Serum 30ml: A serum to care for signs of aging, reduce the appearance of skin wrinkles, and restore vitality and youthfulness to the skin. Gentle on the skin and suitable for those with sensitive skin. A combination...
- 95.00 ريال
138.00 ريال- 95.00 ريال
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The night care set for the skin contains toner, serum and cream with a mask for the skin, with a unique and advanced formula rich in lotus flowers mixed with 12 types of vitamins that nourish, moisturize and soothe your skin. and increase its...
- 58.00 ريال
128.00 ريال- 58.00 ريال
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Cactomyces mushroom helps lighten the skin with its moisturizing and elastic effect. It contains 88% toner and 75% serum, which nourishes the skin and makes it smoother. This serum soothes tired skin from harmful sun rays. Formulated with ingredients that help replenish skin for...
- 94.99 ريال
135.70 ريال- 94.99 ريال
- Unit price
- per
سوم باي مي تونك مقوي شعرالسيكا لتساقط الشعر 150 مل تونك السيكا من سوم باي مي هو منتج مصمم خصيصًا لمكافحة تساقط الشعر وتحفيز نموه الصحي. يحتوي على تركيبة غنية بمكونات طبيعية مهدئة وفعّالة تعمل على تقوية بصيلات الشعر وتحسين صحة فروة الرأس. المميزات:...
- 79.06 ريال
98.82 ريال- 79.06 ريال
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An amazing and effective soap for sensitive and acne-prone skin, it cleanses your skin and removes dead skin cells and excess sebum, in addition to preventing the skin from losing its natural moisture, with a formula enriched with green tea extract. How to use:...
- 42.00 ريال
74.75 ريال- 42.00 ريال
- Unit price
- per
Propolis and Vitamin B5 set to lighten and protect the skin from Some By Mi Perfect skin care Care routine with honey extract and vitamin B5 consisting of 4 products in trial sizes. The set contains: A dual action foaming oil cleanser to cleanse...
- 55.00 ريال
148.00 ريال- 55.00 ريال
- Unit price
- per
سوم باي مي كريم واقي الشمس ترويسيكا 100 مينيرال 50 مل واقي الشمس ترويسيكا 100% مينيرال من سوم باي مي مصمم خصيصًا للبشرة الحساسة، حيث يوفر حماية عالية من أشعة الشمس الضارة (UVA وUVB) بفضل تركيبته المعدنية بالكامل. يجمع بين مكونات طبيعية مهدئة مثل...
- 70.00 ريال
98.90 ريال- 70.00 ريال
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- per
سوم باي مي شامبو شعر السيكا لتساقط الشعر 285 مل شامبو سوم باي مي سيكا مصمم خصيصًا لمكافحة تساقط الشعر. يحتوي على مكونات طبيعية فعالة مثل مستخلص السيكا، الذي يساعد في تعزيز نمو الشعر وتقويته. المميزات: مكافحة تساقط الشعر: يساعد في تقليل تساقط الشعر...
- 79.06 ريال
112.94 ريال- 79.06 ريال
- Unit price
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An ideal skin care and nourishment kit that contains black snail extract and many key skin repair ingredients. This group consists of 4 products: 1- Gel cleanser: Contains 5 types of ceramides, amino compounds and peptides to moisturize and strengthen the skin barrier. 2-...
- 41.80 ريال
128.00 ريال- 41.80 ريال
- Unit price
- per
AHA BHA PHA products contain 10,000 parts per million of natural tea tree extract for bright, clean and moisturized skin because it removes dead cells and dirt accumulated on the skin. The ideal serum cleanses the skin and maintains its moisture. Its formula contains...
- 61.10 ريال
128.80 ريال- 61.10 ريال
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Propolis lotion is a cleansing oil and foaming lotion to remove all types of dirt, dust, dead cells, and fats accumulated on the surface of the skin. It deeply nourishes the layers of the skin because it contains the Propolis compound, which nourishes and...
- 63.45 ريال
97.75 ريال- 63.45 ريال
- Unit price
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Dark Spot Correcting Stick works deeply on acne and blemishes and reduces dark spots on the skin caused by acne scars or too much sun exposure. Provides anti-aging hydration and nutrients. Particularly suitable for discolouration, dark spots, age spots, hyperpigmentation, melasma, post-inflammatory spots and...
- 87.66 ريال
- 87.66 ريال
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