If you want to clean your teeth effectively, then you should use Colgate Total Mint 25m dental floss as part of your daily routine. You can get the product very easily through Sidalih.com for a reasonable price. Advantages of Colgate dental floss Total Mint...
- 18.00
- 18.00
- Unit price
- per
Colgate Mouthwash Optic White 500ml Buy now Colgate Optic White Whitening Mouthwash. It is made from elements that give you noticeable radiance after brushing your teeth with Optic White toothpaste, to immediately give you wonderful white teeth. It is one of the best oral...
- 30.70
43.95- 30.70
- Unit price
- per
Do you want to have fresh breath all day long? Do you want to protect yourself from any harmful bacteria that cause bad breath? So here is the perfect solution from Sidalih.com , which is Colgate Plax Tea Refreshing Mouthwash 500 ml, because it...
- 22.95
38.25- 22.95
- Unit price
- per
Are you looking for a mouthwash that gets rid of bad breath? Do you want an alcohol-free mouthwash? Sidalih.com offers you the solution; You can now get Colgate Plax Mint Mouthwash 100 ml, get rid of various dental problems, and get fresh breath. Benefits...
- 11.00
14.00- 11.00
- Unit price
- per
Do you want to deep clean your teeth and protect them from decay? Do you want to keep your teeth healthy? So here is the perfect solution from Sidalih.com , which is Colgate Plax Complete Care Mouthwash - 500 ml, which helps strengthen teeth,...
- 32.90
47.00- 32.90
- Unit price
- per
Colgate Toothbrush 360 Golden Charcoal - Soft Now get a toothbrush with spiral bristles infused with charcoal to clean teeth and remove stains. It contains all-new features to clean the tongue - the main source of oral bacteria - and teeth to give your...
- 22.36
31.95- 22.36
- Unit price
- per
Colgate Toothbrush 360 Charcoal Infused Medium Now get a toothbrush with spiral bristles infused with charcoal to clean teeth and remove stains. It contains all-new features to clean the tongue - the main source of oral bacteria - and teeth to give your patients...
- 22.30
31.95- 22.30
- Unit price
- per
Colgate Toothbrush 361 Complete Oral Hygiene Soft You can now maintain your mouth and teeth by using Colgate Toothbrush 361, complete mouth hygiene is soft, and this brush is one of the best toothbrushes from Colgate to eliminate sediment and completely clean the layers...
- 20.50
- 20.50
- Unit price
- per
Colgate Toothbrush 363 Complete Oral Hygiene Medium 1 + 1 Free Get now the Colgate Tooth Brushes 360 - Colgate Toothbrushes 363, complete mouth hygiene, medium 1 + 1 for free, to maintain the teeth of you and your loved ones. You can buy...
- 22.39
23.57- 22.39
- Unit price
- per
Colgate Toothbrush Extra Clean Medium Colgate Tooth Brushes extra clean medium Firm, rounded bristles help remove tooth stains. The easy-to-grip toothbrush handle provides comfort and control during the deep clean you are looking for from Colgate Plus, a tongue cleaner with soft rubber bristles...
- 5.40
9.00- 5.40
- Unit price
- per
Colgate Extra Clean Toothbrushes Medium You can now get 3 pieces of Colgate Tooth Brushes extra clean medium, along with 1 brush of this distinctive brush with cleaning heads and strong circular bristles to clean teeth and remove yellow tooth stains. It is also...
- 13.00
17.00- 13.00
- Unit price
- per
Colgate Interdental Toothbrush Medium 1 + 1 Free Buy the best toothbrush from Colgate to preserve teeth, which is the Interdental Tooth Brush for cleaning teeth and fighting cavities and bacteria that cause bad odors in the mouth and fungi that cause inflammation of...
- 16.15
17.00- 16.15
- Unit price
- per
Colgate Toothbrush Optic White Soft 1 + 1 Free Get now the best Colgate Optic White Toothbrush 1+1 Soft Bad mouth, where you can buy this brush through the Pharmacy com store, which contains many medical and therapeutic products for the Colgate brand for...
- 25.00
- 25.00
- Unit price
- per
Colgate Toothbrush Optic White Medium Distinguish now with a more beautiful and attractive smile by using a medium Optic White toothbrush with toothpaste from Colgate to get the best teeth with a bright smile with superior whitening and polishing of teeth. This brush is...
- 22.50
- 22.50
- Unit price
- per
أصبح الآن بإمكانك الحصول على ابتسامة مشرقة وفم صحي، وذلك عند استخدام كولجيت فرش اسنان توتال برو قم وسط، والتي يمكنك الحصول عليها بسهولة ويسر من خلال موقع صيدلية.كوم. فوائد كولجيت فرش اسنان توتال برو قم وسط عند استخدام ذلك المنتج المميز، فإنك ستحصل...
- 15.50
- 15.50
- Unit price
- per
By using Colgate Double Action Toothbrushes, it is possible to get rid of the fine food residues that cannot be reached. It is also possible to get rid of the accumulated calcareous layers on the teeth, which leads to a change in their appearance....
- 5.00
8.00- 5.00
- Unit price
- per
هل تُعاني من البقع الصفراء المزعجة؟ هل تُريد التخلص من رائحة الأسنان الكريهة؟ احصل الآن على كولجيت فرش اسنان زج زاج ناعم من صيدلية. كوم ، وتخلص من مُشكلات الأسنان المُختلفة التي تواجهك، واحصل على أسنان ناصعة البياض. فوائد كولجيت فرش اسنان زج زاج...
- 8.80
13.00- 8.80
- Unit price
- per
هل تبحث عن فرشاة أسنان يُمكن استخدامها في تبييض الأسنان بفاعلية؟ هل تُريد التخلص من بقايا الأكل المُتراكم بين الأسنان؟ تُقدم لك صيدلية.كوم كولجيت فرش اسنان زجزاج بالفحم وسط، التي تُساعدك في الحصول على أسنان بيضاء، بشكل طبيعي وبأسهل طريقة. فوائد كولجيت فرش اسنان...
- 8.50
14.00- 8.50
- Unit price
- per
Do you suffer from severe toothache? Can't find the right products to get whiter teeth? You can now get the solution from a pharmacy. com ; It is a free Colgate Zigzag Toothbrushes Medium 2+1, as it is the ideal solution for treating yellowing...
- 19.00
- 19.00
- Unit price
- per
Colgate ZigZag Toothbrushes Medium You can get the best deep cleaning of your teeth by using the Colgate Toothbrush Zigzag Flexible Toothbrush with a soft tongue cleaner that is distinguished by containing V-shaped Zigzag bristles that work to clean between the teeth and remove...
- 6.00
10.00- 6.00
- Unit price
- per