Glysolid Q10 Beauty Lotion 250ml: Q10 Lotion restores and protects the skin. It contains Vitamin E to provide superior care for the body and give it the required softness and comfort. Thanks to its effective formula, it provides the skin with intense effective moisture...
- 19.50
0.00- 19.50
- Unit price
- per
Glysolid Q10 Beauty Lotion 500ml: Q10 Lotion restores and protects the skin. It contains Vitamin E to provide superior care for the body and give it the required softness and comfort. Thanks to its effective formula, it provides the skin with intense effective moisture...
- 32.80
- 32.80
- Unit price
- per
Glysolid Petroleum Jelly Musk 125 ml
- 11.96
14.95- 11.96
- Unit price
- per
Glysolid petroleum jelly classic with a thick, smooth and silky texture. When applied to the skin, it adds a light layer of protection and locks in your skin's oils and moisture. This protection lasts for long hours, providing your skin with soft moisture that...
- 9.90
17.94- 9.90
- Unit price
- per
1- Hand gel for moisturizing and intensive care. 2- Suitable for dry and normal skin. Provides deep hydration when used in small amounts on a regular basis.
- 12.21
13.57- 12.21
- Unit price
- per
جليسوليد جلي للبشره كلاسيك 125 مل جل مصمم لترطيب البشرة وتقديم العناية اليومية، يأتي في عبوة سعة 125 مل. يتميز بتركيبة تقليدية تضمن ترطيبًا عميقًا وفعّالاً. المكونات الرئيسية: الجلسرين: يحتوي على الجلسرين كعنصر رئيسي، وهو معروف بقدرته العالية على جذب الرطوبة من الهواء والحفاظ...
- 6.90
8.63- 6.90
- Unit price
- per
An advanced formula that significantly softens, softens and protects chapped and very dry skin on the hands, feet and entire body. How to use Apply a small amount to the body and massage in to provide gentle hydration. Warnings and Precautions: Keep it away...
- 15.00
17.00- 15.00
- Unit price
- per
جليسوليد كريم أنبوب 30 مل هو كريم مرطب للجسم لترطيب فائق يتغلغل طبقات الجلد ويمنحها الترطيب العميق. تركيبة مُطورة تسعاد على ترطيب ونعومة البشرة الجافة إلى الجافة جدًا. كريم يُناسب جميع أنواع البشرة. كريم للجسم مُغذي ومُرطّب. يُستخدم أيضا لليدين والأقدام ومنطقة الكوع. تركيبة...
- 7.50
8.50- 7.50
- Unit price
- per
Are you looking for a moisturiser to deeply hydrate your skin?Then try Glysolide Family Cream 400ml from Sidalih.com, which is an ideal cream to deeply moisturise the skin and make your skin look healthy. Benefits of Glysolid Family Cream 400ml The use of Glysolid...
- 38.00
42.32- 38.00
- Unit price
- per
An advanced formula that significantly softens, softens and protects chapped and very dry skin on the hands, feet and entire body. Moisturizing body cream for superior hydration that penetrates the layers of the skin and provides it with deep hydration. An advanced formula that...
- 13.80
16.60- 13.80
- Unit price
- per
جليسوليد كريم بالمسك 150 مل كريم مصمم لترطيب البشرة وتغذيتها، ويأتي في عبوة سعة 150 مل. يتميز بتركيبته التي تحتوي على المسك، مما يضيف لمسة عطرية لطيفة إلى فوائد الترطيب. المكونات الرئيسية: الجلسرين: يعمل كمرطب فعال يحافظ على رطوبة البشرة. المسك: يضيف رائحة عطرية...
- 10.58
13.23- 10.58
- Unit price
- per
An advanced formula that significantly softens, softens and protects chapped and very dry skin on the hands, feet and entire body. How to use Apply a small amount to the body and massage in to provide gentle hydration. Warnings and Precautions: Keep it away...
- 11.90
13.23- 11.90
- Unit price
- per
Moisturizing body cream for superior hydration that penetrates the layers of the skin and provides it with deep hydration. An advanced formula that helps moisturize and smooth dry to very dry skin. GLYSOLID® Cream is suitable for all skin types. Soft, gentle formula free...
- 16.00
18.00- 16.00
- Unit price
- per
An advanced formula that helps soften, soothe, and protect the hands, feet, and the entire body from rough cracks and dry, dead skin. A final solution for cracked, dry and rough skin on the hands, feet and body, so massage your skin with this...
- 24.00
38.00- 24.00
- Unit price
- per
Glysolid Body Lotion with an attractive concentrated musk fragrance, intensive care for dry and normal skin. Glysolid lotion delicately moisturizes your skin, leaving it soft and supple. High quality chamomile oil reduces inflammation and irritation. Jesolid Lotion contains a pH value that moisturizes your...
- 14.49
16.10- 14.49
- Unit price
- per
The non-greasy glysolide penetrates the skin within seconds and lasts for several hours Glysolid is the advanced European formula that helps soothe the skin Revitalizes the skin and reveals its natural glow.
- 29.70
33.00- 29.70
- Unit price
- per
Glysolid Classic Body Lotion is a lotion that lightens the skin and reduces the appearance of dark spots and blemishes in the skin, leaving it soft, perfectly hydrated and with wonderful freshness. Product benefits and features: It gently moisturizes your skin It makes your...
- 19.00
0.00- 19.00
- Unit price
- per
جليسوليد لوشن للجسم بالمسك 500 مل يهدف إلى ترطيب البشرة وتقديم لمسة ناعمة برائحة المسك المنعشة. يحتوي اللوشن على مكونات تعمل على تحسين ملمس البشرة وتوفير ترطيب طويل الأمد. المميزات: ترطيب مكثف: يحتوي على مكونات مرطبة تساعد في تعزيز ترطيب البشرة بشكل فعال، مما...
- 29.56
- 29.56
- Unit price
- per
Contains chamomile extract that prevents skin inflammation and irritation. With a neutral pH, it rebalances the skin. It gives the skin long-lasting softness and suppleness. How to use: Apply to dry skin for frequent use.
- 17.83
- 17.83
- Unit price
- per