Provides professional teeth whitening results. Continuous use provides a gradual whitening effect and gives whiter teeth for longer. - Kills germs that cause bad breath.
- 44.47
55.59- 44.47
- Unit price
- per
Sensodyne Long Lasting Protection Fresh Mint Mouthwash - 500 ml Sensodyne Gentle Mint Alcohol-Free Mouthwash provides daily protection from tooth sensitivity. Its active ingredients work inside the tooth to form a barrier around the nerve. It contains fluoride, which strengthens teeth, and the mint...
- 45.00
- 45.00
- Unit price
- per
Sensodyne Daily Protection Paste 40 ml 6 Pieces - Offer
- 37.72
51.75- 37.72
- Unit price
- per
Use now Sensodyne Refreshing Mint Mouthwash 500 ml from Sidalih.com ; And get rid of all dental problems; Enjoy one product that helps in complete oral and dental care. Benefits of Sensodyne Mouthwash Refreshing Mint 500 ml A host of benefits can be obtained...
- 32.20
- 32.20
- Unit price
- per
Get now from Sidalih.com a free Sensodyne Rapid Action 1+1 toothbrush - multi-colored, and enjoy an effective and comfortable teeth cleaning experience, as these brushes come with a unique technology that allows access to difficult corners of the mouth, to effectively remove plaque and...
- 28.00
56.00- 28.00
- Unit price
- per
Are you tired of using your traditional toothbrushes? You can now get Sensodyne Soft Repair and Protect Toothbrushes 1+1 for free, provided to you by Sidalih.com , and enjoy ideal oral and dental health, as it is an innovative product that helps clean and...
- 32.50
0.00- 32.50
- Unit price
- per
Sensodyne Toothbrushes Repair and Protect, very soft
- 15.00
29.50- 15.00
- Unit price
- per
Sensodyne Soft Very Sensitive Toothbrush - Multiple Colors: Sensodyne toothbrush for sensitivity and gums is specially designed for people who suffer from sensitive teeth and gum problems. Sensitive toothbrush for gums with soft bristles. Suitable for daily cleaning. Breaks down plaque effectively and helps...
- 19.95
- 19.95
- Unit price
- per
هل تريد لأسنانك أقصى معدل حماية؟ هل تريد تنظيف أسنانك بفاعلية؟ احصل على سنسوداين فرشاة أسنان إصلاح وحماية، أزرق فاتح، ناعم من خلال موقع صيدلية.كوم، فهي تقدم لك ذلك وأكثر. مميزات سنسوداين فرشاة أسنان إصلاح وحماية، أزرق فاتح، ناعم يقدم لك ذلك المنتج المميز...
- 28.00
- 28.00
- Unit price
- per
Gentle on teeth. Cleans your teeth thoroughly and carefully. It cleans hard-to-reach areas. Sensodyne® gives you superior comfort. Dentist recommended brand. Specially designed for people with sensitive teeth. It is recommended to brush teeth at least twice a day for 2 minutes.
- 22.50
27.31- 22.50
- Unit price
- per
سنسوداين فرشاة أسنان حماية متكاملة- متوسطة مكونات المنتج : شعيرات متوسطة من النايلون. تصميم مريح للمقبض يضمن سهولة التحكم أثناء الاستخدام. فوائد ومميزات : تنظيف فعال للأسنان مع حماية ضد التسوس. يساعد في تقليل حساسية الأسنان بفضل تصميمه المتخصص. يوفر حماية متكاملة للأسنان واللثة....
- 18.60
29.50- 18.60
- Unit price
- per
Do you suffer from toothache? Do you bleed when you brush your teeth? Not anymore, as Sidalih.com offers you the Sensodyne Dosior Multi Toothbrush 2.4 cm - very soft, to care for sensitive teeth and is also effective in cleaning teeth, as it is...
- 18.50
37.00- 18.50
- Unit price
- per
Sensodyne Rapid Action (Rapid Action) Soft Toothbrush Properties: Manual toothbrush for adults. Designed for people with sensitive teeth Small brush head designed with unique configuration Thin bristles specially designed to clean even hard-to-reach areas Rounded bristle tips for gentle, thorough cleaning The front end...
- 32.00
- 32.00
- Unit price
- per
Sensodyne True White Medium Toothbrush True White toothbrush to maintain clean teeth and healthy gums. It features soft and precise bristles that clean food debris surrounding braces. Easily reaches all parts of teeth. It cleans deeply without harming gums or teeth.
- 25.00
43.00- 25.00
- Unit price
- per
تتميز سنسوداين فرشاة أسنان انها مطورة بشكل كامل للحماية المتكاملة التي تلائم الأشخاص المصابون بالأسنان الحساسة وذلك لأنها تمتلك رأس مائل صغير وشعيرات خارجية لطيفة وشعيرات داخلية ملتوية تناسب كافة من يعانون من حساسية الاسنان ويمكنك الحصول عليها من صيدلية.كوم. مميزات سنسوداين فرشاة اسنان...
- 28.00
- 28.00
- Unit price
- per
This toothbrush comes with soft, round-ended bristles that flex when in contact with surfaces, thus being gentle on teeth and gums. The wide handle of the brush ensures a comfortable grip, while the oval head and thin neck ensure access to hard-to-reach areas, achieving...
- 14.00
30.00- 14.00
- Unit price
- per
Do you suffer from yellow teeth? Do you want to get rid of annoying dental problems? Sidalih.com now offers you the solution: You can now use Sensodyne Advanced Repair and Protection Whitening Toothpaste - 75 ml, and get rid of all dental problems, in...
- 39.95
- 39.95
- Unit price
- per
Sensodyne paste 75 ml Repair and protect + freshness plus developer
- 39.10
- 39.10
- Unit price
- per
Sensodyne Gentle Whitening Toothpaste gives you a gentle way to whiten your teeth. Helps remove stains and restore teeth to their natural whiteness. It also contains fluoride, which protects against cavities. Why choose Sensodyne Gentle Whitening Toothpaste? Sensodyne Gentle Whitening Toothpaste creates a protective...
- 37.95
- 37.95
- Unit price
- per
سنسوداين معجون أسنان ترميم للمينا و تبييض نعناع بارد 75مل تركيبة للعناية بالمينا الأكثر تقدمًا من سنسوداين بروناميليساعد في إصلاح المينا التي تعاني من ضعف الحمضيحمي الأسنان من التآكل الحمضي.يصلح التلف الجزئي في سطح المينا ويعيد بنائها.
- 50.52
- 50.52
- Unit price
- per