Some By Mi - Derma Treatment Toner - Red Tea 150ml Formulated with red tea and features an innovative formula to effectively treat the skin. It helps soothe irritated skin, cleanses and purifies the skin from impurities, leaving the skin feeling fresh and clear....
- 96.63 ريال
120.78 ريال- 96.63 ريال
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Some By Mi Alpha Hydroxy Peeling Acid Ampoule 10% - 35g: A 10% alpha hydroxy acid serum gently exfoliates the skin's surface and completely removes dead cells, to renew natural cells and accelerate the skin's recovery from acne scars. Brightens skin tone, tightens the...
- 87.66 ريال
103.50 ريال- 87.66 ريال
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Som by Mi Honey & Vitamin B5 Propolis Honey & Vitamin B5 Toner 150ml A nourishing and soothing toner enriched with propolis extract (bee gum) and honey, which helps to deeply moisturize and soothe the skin while improving its clarity. It also contains Vitamin...
- 87.66 ريال
103.50 ريال- 87.66 ريال
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AHA BHA PHA products contain 10,000 parts per million of natural tea tree extract to get a bright, clean and moisturized skin because it removes dead cells and dirt accumulated on the skin. The perfect toner works to deeply cleanse the pores and moisturizes...
- 57.00 ريال
103.00 ريال- 57.00 ريال
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تونر لشد المسام والتحكم في الإفرازات الدهنية المفرطة من خلال احتوائه على 830.000 جزء في المليون من ماتشا المعروف جيدًا بالعناية بالمسام وقوة امتصاص الدهون و BHA من المصادر الطبيعية. كيفية الاستخدام : بعد التنظيف ، رجي جيدًا حتى يمتزج المسحوق وضعي كمية مناسبة...
- 120.58 ريال
- 120.58 ريال
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The snail toner is formulated with Niacinamide, which acts as a skin lightening agent, which gives the skin a bright and lustrous appearance, and Truecica, which contains the black snail ingredient, which strengthens the skin barrier and restores the vitality of sensitive skin that...
- 96.63 ريال
107.36 ريال- 96.63 ريال
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سوم باي مي تونك مقوي شعرالسيكا لتساقط الشعر 150 مل تونك السيكا من سوم باي مي هو منتج مصمم خصيصًا لمكافحة تساقط الشعر وتحفيز نموه الصحي. يحتوي على تركيبة غنية بمكونات طبيعية مهدئة وفعّالة تعمل على تقوية بصيلات الشعر وتحسين صحة فروة الرأس. المميزات:...
- 79.06 ريال
98.82 ريال- 79.06 ريال
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سوم باي مي جل منظف سنيل ميراكل ريبير 100مل جل منظف سنيل ميراكل ريبير من سوم باي مي هو الحل الأمثل لتنظيف البشرة بلطف مع تعزيز قدرتها على التجدد والإصلاح. يحتوي على مستخلص الحلزون المعروف بخصائصه المرممة والمغذية للبشرة، إلى جانب مكونات فعّالة لتنظيف المسام...
- 90.25 ريال
112.82 ريال- 90.25 ريال
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With 88% Galactomyces + 10,000ppm Pure Vitamin C for intensive skin lightening care. Soothes irritated skin caused by external aggressors and stress. Contains pure Vitamin C to brighten dull skin for a translucent complexion. Contains naturally derived ingredients to nourish and moisturize the skin...
- 89.35 ريال
127.65 ريال- 89.35 ريال
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Some By Mi Miracle Acne Facial Cleansing Foam 100ml This product deeply cleanses the skin because it contains extracts of olive oil and green tea ingredients, in addition to Centella extract, which is effective in improving the skin. ●It contains PHA, which preserves skin...
- 57.50 ريال
86.25 ريال- 57.50 ريال
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A serum with a low pH that contains 86% Red Tea and Cia to quickly soothe skin with PHA to remove dead skin. How to use: Clean your face well, then apply an appropriate amount of serum evenly to your face. Pat on your...
- 107.81 ريال
- 107.81 ريال
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An ideal oil for cleansing the skin and controlling unwanted oils. Containing 150,000ppm tea extracts, it provides an immediate soothing effect to irritated skin. Moisturizes, repairs and soothes the skin and gives it a pleasant and natural scent.
- 68.00 ريال
100.00 ريال- 68.00 ريال
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Skin-brightening sunscreen. It protects the skin from harmful sunlight and is enriched with vitamins, hyaluronic acid, and glutathione, which lightens the skin and dark spots. It contains vitamins A, B5, B12, C, D, E, P, F, H, and K to provide deep soothing to...
- 87.66 ريال
110.00 ريال- 87.66 ريال
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Dark Spot Correcting Stick works deeply on acne and blemishes and reduces dark spots on the skin caused by acne scars or too much sun exposure. Provides anti-aging hydration and nutrients. Particularly suitable for discolouration, dark spots, age spots, hyperpigmentation, melasma, post-inflammatory spots and...
- 87.66 ريال
- 87.66 ريال
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AHA BHA PHA products contain 10,000 parts per million of natural tea tree extract for bright, clean and moisturized skin because it removes dead cells and dirt accumulated on the skin. The ideal serum cleanses the skin and maintains its moisture. Its formula contains...
- 61.10 ريال
128.80 ريال- 61.10 ريال
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Some By Mi Snail Truecica Repair Serum 50ml Dual-function product: whitening anti-wrinkle. Contains 890,000 ppm of Snail Truecica which includes Black Snail Extract and Truecica. Helps rejuvenate the skin by repairing damage with black snail extract. Soothes the skin and strengthens the skin barrier...
- 110.20 ريال
146.94 ريال- 110.20 ريال
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Some By Mi Beta Panthenol Facial Serum 30ml: Gentle moisturizing serum for dry and sensitive skin. It provides the skin with natural hydration, improves severe skin dryness, and reduces redness and skin inflammation to enjoy healthy and radiant skin. It strengthens your skin's natural...
- 116.10 ريال
129.00 ريال- 116.10 ريال
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Some By Mi Retinol Intensive Care Facial Serum 30ml: A serum to care for signs of aging, reduce the appearance of skin wrinkles, and restore vitality and youthfulness to the skin. Gentle on the skin and suitable for those with sensitive skin. A combination...
- 95.00 ريال
138.00 ريال- 95.00 ريال
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سوم باي مي سيروم الوجه سوبر ماتشا لتنظيف المسام 50مل سيروم الوجه سوبر ماتشا من سوم باي مي هو منتج مبتكر لتنقية البشرة وتنظيف المسام بعمق. يحتوي على مستخلص الماتشا المركز، المعروف بخصائصه المضادة للأكسدة، إلى جانب مكونات طبيعية تعمل على تهدئة البشرة، تنظيم إفراز...
- 124.57 ريال
138.41 ريال- 124.57 ريال
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Propolis serum to care for inflamed and damaged skin. Enhanced with antioxidant ingredients to moisturize the skin, lighten its color and give it a brighter, healthier appearance. It enhances the health of the natural protective barrier and improves the skin's ability to renew its...
- 89.00 ريال
128.80 ريال- 89.00 ريال
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