Mikostat Ointment - 15 gm: Intended for people with oropharyngeal candidiasis. Mikostat uses: Treatment of gastrointestinal candidiasis excluding esophageal candidiasis in those who are immunocompromised. Complementary treatment of vaginal and skin candidiasis with the aim of achieving sterilization of associated intestinal candidiasis. Prevention of...
- 5.75 ريال
- 5.75 ريال
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Mycostat suspension 30 ml: The oral suspension is intended for oral administration of nystatin in infants, young children, and persons with oropharyngeal candidiasis. Mycostat uses: Treatment of gastrointestinal candidiasis excluding esophageal candidiasis in those who are immunocompromised. Complementary treatment of vaginal and skin candidiasis...
- 9.15 ريال
- 9.15 ريال
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نو - يوريك 300 مجم 20 قرص الإسم العلمي: ألوبيورينول 300 مجم أقراص. الإستخدامات: يستخدم لعلاج المستويات العالية من حمض اليوريك في الجسم والتي يمكن أن تسبب التهاب المفاصل النقرسي ومشاكل في الجلد والكلى. يستخدم أيضًا لمنع وعلاج حصوات الكلى في المرضى الذين لديهم...
- 8.00 ريال
- 8.00 ريال
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Nu-Uric 100 mg 50 Tablets - Allopurinol 100 mg Tablets. Allopurinol is used to treat high levels of uric acid in the body, which can cause gouty arthritis, and skin and kidney problems. Allopurinol is also used to prevent and treat kidney stones in...
- 16.30 ريال
- 16.30 ريال
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Nova T380 screw - 1 piece: It is an intrauterine device made of polyethylene and wound with a copper wire with a silver core. The surface area of copper is 380 mm2. The polyethylene body, modified T-shaped, is impregnated with barium sulfate. Copper IUDs...
- 140.00 ريال
- 140.00 ريال
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Nisita Nasal Spray provides a fine mist used to treat dry nasal mucous membranes, as a supportive treatment for stuffy nose during colds, and to clean and moisturize the nasal mucosa. Suitable for adults, children and infants. How to use Use according to the...
- 40.25 ريال
- 40.25 ريال
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Harbadol capsule 45 capsules Harbadol product features Devil's Claw roots have been used for centuries by healers in South Africa, but were discovered relatively recently by Westerners. In 1904, during the Hottentots' revolt in South Africa against the German protectorate, there were many casualties....
- 50.60 ريال
- 50.60 ريال
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Granules: L-Ornithine L-Aspartate 3g What L-ornithine L-aspartate is and what it is used for: L-Ornithine is a substrate for the urea cycle, converting toxic ammonia into non-toxic urea that is eliminated by the kidneys, helping the affected liver to perform its normal function smoothly...
- 32.80 ريال
- 32.80 ريال
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Hetapsin 0.025% cream 30 gm: Hetapsin topical cream is a medical preparation that contains capsaicin and is used as a pain reliever in cases of arthritis and rheumatic pain. Properties and medicinal effect: Hetapsin cream works as a local analgesic thanks to the active...
- 45.00 ريال
- 45.00 ريال
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هو شكل من أشكال حقن الهيدروكورتيزون الذي يستخدم لعلاج الالتهاب والحالات الأخرى. بعض الآثار الجانبية المحتملة لحقن الهيدروكورتيزون هي: حب الشباب وجفاف الجلد وزيادة التعرق. الغثيان والانتفاخ وزيادة الوزن. مشاكل النوم. رؤية مشوشة ، ألم في العين ، رؤية هالات حول الأضواء. نمو شعر...
- 9.85 ريال
- 9.85 ريال
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Hylo Dual Eye Drops 10 ml: Formulated with hyaluronic acid and lactoin. Uses of Hylo Dual: Hyaluronic acid/Actoin drops are used to treat dry eyes with allergic symptoms. How to use Hylo Dual Acid 10ml: Use as directed by your doctor. This medication is...
- 75.70 ريال
- 75.70 ريال
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Sodium hyaluronate drops act as artificial tears. Makes dry eyes feel more comfortable. They are used to relieve dry eyes and pain. They moisturize, soothe, and lubricate the surface of your eye, making them feel more comfortable. Do not use sodium hyaluronate: Do not...
- 43.15 ريال
- 43.15 ريال
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One Alpha 0.25 Mcg Capsule 100pcs Scientific name: Alfacalcidol 0.25 mcg capsules. Uses: Alfacalcidol is used to treat diseases in which the amount of calcium in your body needs to be changed. It is used to treat: Changes in the bones due to kidney...
- 68.10 ريال
- 68.10 ريال
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One Alpha 1 Mcg Capsule 100pcs Scientific name: Alfacalcidol 1 mcg capsules. Uses: Alfacalcidol is used to treat diseases in which the amount of calcium in your body needs to be changed. It is used to treat: Changes in the bones due to kidney...
- 178.40 ريال
- 178.40 ريال
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UTI Kranita It is a natural solution that is free of antibiotics, and contains an innovative combination of the best natural ingredients Product features It is used for the treatment and prevention of urinary tract infections Fast effect within 30 minutes Easy to consume...
- 138.00 ريال
- 138.00 ريال
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Potassium sodium hydrogen citrate 280g What is potassium sodium hydrogen citrate and what is it used for: It is an alkaline citrate used in the treatment of kidney stones. Do not take potassium sodium hydrogen citrate: Hypersensitivity to potassium hydrogen citrate you have heart...
- 52.10 ريال
- 52.10 ريال
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